Chapter 2 - 6th grade

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I walked out of the school and towards the car that was filled with bags and boxes of our stuff. When we left the school all I thought about was what was going to happen next will I see my friends every again? Am I coming back? Will I see my grandparents again? What about my dad? After that day I never saw my friends again I occasionally saw my grandparents and my dad.....well the first part of our journey my parents were on the phone fighting and chancing each other with there cars. My father was drunk and almost hit many cars that was the most scary ride I've ever been on. I don't remember much after that.Once  we got to my other grandparents who lived in a different state I had a lot on my mind but pushed it to the side. I just followed my moms instructions on what to do and continued on with a full mind of worried thoughts.

The first day at my new school I was lost had no where to go. That day I sat at lunch alone it was a strange feeling it was like everyone was staring at me laughing at me because I had no one to sit with. That night was the first night I cried myself to sleep, the first time I felt alone, the first night I felt like I didn't mean anything to anyone. After a few weeks of this I made a few new friends they were kind, welcoming, and made me feel like I meant something to someone. The days went by much happier I got used to the new school and we weren't at my grandparents for much longer after first semester. We had found a cute ranch in a neighborhood close to the school I made many friends there. I was happy at school and with my friends but the moment I got home it was my own personal hell.

The hits and blows my father gave me left bruises I had to wear long sleeves and pants in 90 degree weather to keep them hidden so no one would ask. My mother and father always fought and I had to keep my siblings and myself safe we hid in my bedroom closet and just listened for the yelling to stop. I was always forced to watch my siblings everyday and sometimes cook dinner and clean the house. I quickly learned to keep my thoughts and feelings locked up because if I let them out I would be hit and sent to my room. Spending most of my days in my room I made it my happy place a place where I was safe and away from the abuse from my father.

Things will get better they said.....and I was dumb enough to believe them...

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