(3)The Vampire Prince wants his daughter back??? She's mine to you know!!!

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OMG!!! I love you guys!!! Keep voting and commenting

And yes I have re-written the whole thing so you need to start from the start!

Jace's POV

DAMN!!! I watched the speeding car drive away. How could I have let her slip through my fingers again? My father wasn't going to be happy.

I called one of the guards over and told him to send the rest back. I guess I was just going to have to face the music.

I teleported myself into the palace hallway and walked towards the tall doors at the end of the hall. Pushing the doors open I strode across the marble floor towards my parents. I held my head up trying to look more confident than I felt.

My father stood up. "Soooo" he prompted, but I knew that he was already aware of what had happened.

"She got away with her mother," I replied calmly.

"WHAT?!" He boomed. His voice echoing around the room.

"Oh sweetheart not again!" my mother wailed. "How hard can it be to find one tinsy winsy baby?"

I gritted my teeth together. They didn't understand. All they thought about was themselves.

My father was still standing there. His whole face would have been red if it could be.

My mother continued with her wailing. "Couldn't you have occupied that Clara girl for a few more years? Really! You have all those women clawing at you and yet you can't keep the one that's important!" She sighed and my father patted her on the shoulder, continuing to glare at me.

"I didn't realise she was going to be a threat!" I said between gnawing teeth. I was going to loose it if I didn't get out of here soon.

"Well of course she was. She's the mother! If she left she'd take the baby!" My mother thought for a moment and then put on a half smile. "I'd do the same for you,"

I tried to smile back at her but I just couldn't. I turned to my father; he seemed to have softened a bit.

"Bring Lilly back here... soon."

Then he slumped back in his throne and I left.


I went to have a shower. The warm water running down my body wasn't necessary but I was so used to using it when Clara had been human. I winced when I thought about her.

The last time I'd seen her she'd been crying. It was the permanent image stuck in my mind. I wanted to hold her, to comfort her, but it was my fault she was hurt. I couldn't go near her.

She'd thrown the ring at me and I'd almost died. It was killing me. I left the room not being able to look at her heartbroken face any longer and know it was my fault. I decided I'd talk to her when she'd composed herself.

She left that night. Taking away Lilly. Taking away my future.

I went back in the room we fought in when I knew for sure she had left me. I looked for the ring everywhere but I couldn't find it.

The last place I thought I'd see it was dangling around her neck. I hadn't seen it in so long. I hadn't seen her in so long. It made me ache to reach out and hold her. It made me miss her like I'd never missed her before.

But she wasn't mine anymore. She was in no mans land. I couldn't help her anymore.


When I got out of the shower, I walked back into my room. I smelt her in there before I saw her. Leah threw herself at me as soon as I walked in the door. She eyed me hungrily in just I towel. Then she tried to pull it off but I held it tightly and she pouted.

"Awwwwwww, come on Jacey!" She whined in her annoying high pitched voice. "We haven't had fun in ages!"

I inwardly groaned. "We had 'fun' last night!"

She giggled a high pitched giggle and snuggled into my chest. "And wasn't it fun," she whispered in my ear. I could feel her fangs slightly running against my ear.

I pushed her away and she landed on the bed. She giggled again and then realised I wasn't following. She put on a horrible puppy dog face.

"Did someone have a bad day," she mocked. I turned around and glared at her. She looked slightly scared and then composed her face again.

"You know Jace there's no point glaring at me and making threats. I know you'd never hurt me,"

"Oh really," I said coldly, not looking at her. A trick that I'd learnt from Clara.

She laughed, "Oh Jace! You've got such a sense of humour!"

I grimaced.

I walked into my closet and put on some clothes. Then I walked out to see her STILL sitting on my bed with an expectant look on her face. When I walked her mouth turned into a pout.

"You didn't let me watch," she accused.

"No, I didn't,"

I stood against the wall for a while and then she got up with a sigh and walked over to me. A wicked look spread across her face and I waited.

She jumped on me and pushed me into the bed. I let her but didn't respond. She kissed me and put her hands under my shirt. In the end she gave up and sat up with a huff.

"You're thinking about her," she spat.

"Yes. I am thinking about the woman who has the child I need to ascend the thrown," I glanced over at her and saw her face was scrunching up in anger.

"I HATE HER!" she screamed. "If she hadn't taken the child then I'd be Queen by now, but noooooo! The stupid girl ran off with the child! I HATE HER!"

"It sucks that you have to have an heir before you can become King," she said softly.

"You could always give me and heir," I teased.

She looked at me with horror. "You do realise that only a few rare vampires can have children at all. Let alone survive it!"

"I know," I said with a straight face.

She screeched. Then whispered in a voice that she thought I couldn't here, "Imagine what it'd do to my figure,"

I laughed and she looked up in horror, then stormed out of the room.

I continued laughing until she left the room then I became serious again.

Sometimes I wondered if the only reason I kept that woman around was because she reminded me of Clara. I shook my head and banished the thought to the back of my head.

She didn't matter. I could kill her if I felt like it. It's the baby I need.


The Vampire Prince Wants His Daughter Back??? She's Mine Too You Know!!!Where stories live. Discover now