(ɴιɴe) - ᶤᶰᵏˡᶤᶰᵍ

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Louis wasn't definitely a person who liked taking risks. Risk means that you're willing to go against all odds. A risk can potentially ruin a person's life, and turn it upside down whenever it pleased. So why is exactly meeting a certain hybrid change his mind?

Disclaimer: All rights belong to me, and the events depicted in any of these chapters should not be taken literally.

Note: And then comes someone who you weren't able to see in any of the chapters. And, can't believe how patient you guys have been. First of all, thank you, and I hope you enjoy this chapterrr! .x



"T-Tickles!" Harry squirms.

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

"Curly, didn't I tell you to relax? I'm trying to get all these sand off of your hair and ears."

"I-I'm trying though!" He weakly protests in-between laughter. "You--you are t-touching my e-ears weirdly!" He giggles, tail swishing gracefully, as he melts into my touch.

I quickly withdrew my hands out of his hair with a (slight) gasp, the back of my hand covering up my mouth as I slammed my back purposely onto the slick, light blue bathroom wall.

Harry's eyes instantly flew open at the absence of my hands, a frown instantly etched on his face.

"Was just kidding Louis, was kidding!" He calls out, feline ears flapping, and tiny little bubbles serenely floating in the air, then popping without a seconds notice.

I shook my head, pretending to look all sad and hurt, as I shook my head at the boy, remembering a small quote my nan told me when I was a kid. Sadly though, that was the last I've heard from her, till my parents came in rushing through my doors, weeping into my hair, that my favourite gran just passed away (I tried not to cry--I really did).

"In every joke, there is a hint of truth young Harold." And just like I expected, he wrinkled his nose with the sound of the nickname.

"Name's not Harold, it is Harry, just Harry, and.." His eyes flew to the suds that lay on his lap, big hands running over them as they popped. "Did not mean to.." He murmurs silently. "Before, nobody b-before has touched H-Harry's ears like Louis does.. Always tug and pull, never like L-Louis touches." he insists sincerely. "Never like Louis touches."

My heart instantly clenched at the thought: younger and kids and adult-alike, tugging at the boy's ears as he tried to cover them up, making himself smaller, and cowering in fear, and--I try not think about it. I did.

"W-What about y-your tail?" I croaked (stupid mouth, stop.fucking.talking), looking at the cold, teal-coloured tiles right beneath my feet as I tried to get my thoughts in place. I must not be too affected by this, I've only known Harry in no more than a few weeks, I shouldn't be this concerned about the boy, yet my hybrid-fascinated self tells a whole different story.

"Tail? Yeah, t-tail also gets yanked, hurts more when they hold on and p-pull." Without looking up, I knew Harry nodded at the sentence like it was of normality, and it hurts to even think about anybody having to go through such violence in order to live. What's going on with this civilization? The moment there's a new fascinating discovery, their noses are all up in that business, because we have nothing better to do with our lives, than to abuse our resources, and think nothing when it comes to greed.

Now or Never {Larry Hybrid!AU}Where stories live. Discover now