[11] Nostalgia

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Sorry this took so long you guys!! But it's here now, so ENJOY~

Chapter 11: Nostalgia


We reach the courts just as Seigaku loses doubles one. Coach is not looking too pleased and neither do the other members I’ve forgotten the names of.

“Ha! I totally beat you--” Ayumi pauses staring at me with a raised eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”

A frown lingers as I feel a familiar anxiety. “...Nothing” I force a smile and head to the courts. The entire team seems to turn when we arrive.

“What took you so long?!” Exclaimed the tall one; I think her name is Karen?

Ayumi sighs, “I had to find her; she has no sense of direction whatsoever!” Karen rolls her eyes and motions to the court where two boyish looking girls are waiting. They stretch while I try to cope with my bubbling nerves.

This isn’t the first time I’m nervous before a game, but I highly doubt it’s the nerves that’s making me regret agreeing to this, even though I never really did.

“Aka-chan!!” Ayumi’s already on the court with her racket waving like a madman. I didn’t even realize I had stopped walking. I nod to her and make a beeline for her racket bag. I didn’t bother bringing mine; I didn’t think I would be playing.

With a small sigh, I pray nostalgia doesn’t hit me in the face.

My prayer goes unanswered.

The second I step on the court it’s like the cheers are magnified and I fall face first into the dark pit of anxiety. This is not good.

It settles in my gut. It invades my mind; I can’t seem to escape. I repeat, this is not good...

“Akari?!” Ayumi’s voice shakes me out of my thoughts. “You have to serve.” She gives me a concerned look and I realize the Seigaku team is looking even more concerned, or maybe I should say scared?

I take a deep breath, “I know.”

I grip the small neon green ball tightly in my left hand. It’s now or never, I guess.



Akari’s been acting strange since I told her we would be playing doubles. It’s like she’s here physically but her mind is somewhere completely separate.

And now she’s just standing on the court staring into space. What is up with her?!

“Akari?!” She turns, apparently startled out of her thoughts. She usually hides things like that easily. Something is definitely wrong. She waits for me to say something. Does she not know?? “You have to serve”

I’m concerned, and she seems to notice, “I know.” She mutters gripping the ball. I almost want to call time out, but we haven’t even started yet. If she doesn’t get it together, we’re going to lose.

I return to my position at the net with a small sigh.

Until she returns to normal, I guess I’m on my own. I’m brought back to reality by the thwack of the ball hitting Akari’s replacement racket. I return my focus to the game, I, no we can’t afford to lose here.

Our opponents, who I’ve decided not to remember the names of, smirk at me. The orange haired one, who I will name orange, returns the ball toward Akari who isn’t paying attention in the least.

I groan and dart straight for the ball. I manage to send it straight to their corner where the other non-orange one is waiting. But, wasn’t she just at the net?

Jogging back to the center of the court, I watch for their next move. Come on, Akari, I need you right now!


The crowd is silent. Am I imagining things?

Nostalgia is twisting in my gut, refusing to leave. It’s suffocating me. I watch Ayumi chase after the ball, unable to move.

I barely manage to serve when it’s needed, before I’m sinking again, into the dark depths of my favorite nightmare. I have to snap out of it! Ayumi needs me right now!

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes. I ignore everything, including the buzzing from the stands and the ball hitting the asphalt. My foot’s constant twitching reminds me that I’m in a game that I need to focus on.

“Game Seigaku, 3 games to 1. Change court.”

I head to the benches with Ayumi, who happens to be breathing like she’s just ran a marathon. I don’t blame her, though. It was two on one. I let out a sigh, “I’m sorry.” It’s all I can manage to say at the moment. “I’ll make it up to you...”

She huffs, “You’re sorry?!” I turn to find her glaring at me. She grabs my collar with her free hand not holding her racket, “You’ll make it up to me? How about you stop whining for just one minute and realize that I can’t play doubles by myself.”

She continues glaring and we hardly notice our opponents pass by with lingering smirks. “Oh look, they’re fighting.” An orange one muses.

“You know, I was scared at first, since I heard they’re twins, but they’re not even in sync~” The other one grins tauntingly.

Ayumi sends me a raised eyebrow. I raise mine in return. She lets go of my collar and sighs. I didn’t even notice when her breathing calmed down. She used to have almost no stamina. What happened?

“You know what to do, stay on the court this time.” She ignores the orange heads and heads to the other court just as the umpire calls us back.

I grip the racket in my hand. No, this isn’t familiar in the least. There’s no need for nostalgia. The depths don’t scare me anymore. Two years ago, I used to be a showoff.

Now it’s time to show them exactly what a showoff I can be.

It’s my serve again, and this time, no more nostalgia.


I take my place at the service line. Ayumi nods to me from the front. The orange smirks from the other side of the net. I return with a smirk of my own, and I know just what to do.

The ball bounces three times before heading to the sun. A loud thwack rings through the stands. The ball vanishes and a neon blur crosses the net. It skids into their court and flies toward the fence.


Silence. The court is silent again, and I almost think I’m deaf. Then the cheers begin.

I turn to orange, “Aw, was that too fast for you?” I pout at her death glare, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to slow it down.”

Ayumi’s laugh rings out in the midst of the cheers. “Welcome back, Aka-chan!”

I resume my position to serve. Let’s slow it down then; my breakneck serve.



“Game, Seigaku! 3 games to 2” The crowd roars.

I’m back.

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