[07] Zeroes

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Chapter 7: Zeroes


“Game set and Match.” The coach’s eyes are completely focused on me. “Won by Masanori Cheiko...” I struggle to catch my breath. I don’t think I’ve run that much in the last two years combined. I'm surprised my knee didn’t give. It feels almost as bad as the fifty lap run I did just two days ago.

The courts aren’t silent for long. Whispers erupt from every corner.

“Wow~ what a wipeout!”

“Perfect game, I knew Cheiko-sempai wouldn’t lose!”

“Well, it was to be expected, there was no way she would win against Cheiko-sempai.”

A small frown lingers for way too long before disappearing through a puff of air. I can finally breathe. I lost like I planned I would, yet why do I feel disappointed? It’s not like I could’ve won anyway.

The murmurs continue. I can’t take it anymore. I need to get out of here. With one last sigh, I clear through the crowd, headed for the fountains.

I finally make it out, only to have a hand stop me. I didn’t expect it to be Fuji Syusuke. His eyes are closed as always, yet I get this feeling he’s disappointed in me. The question is: why?

Before I can ask the question lingering in my mind, Minami, the captain interrupts. “Syusuke-kun, could you give us a minute?”

He looked a bit unsure, about as unsure as I could read him as with his eyes closed, but he left us alone anyway.

“What the hell was that?!” She scowls. “You are not that weak.”

She’s right. “What if I am?” I ask, knowing very well that it’s a lie. “Are you willing to acknowledge it?”

She frowns, “No. Never.”

I force a smirk, “Too bad, this is how I am now.”

She’s looking more annoyed by the second, “No, that wasn’t you. I don’t know what happened to you in those two years, but you weren’t the one playing in that game.” She pauses, “I don’t know that person, but I know you. And you are so much better than her.”

She leaves me standing there contemplating every single word she said.

She was right though. But would I really have won if I had played using my style, and my skill? That’s what I want to know.


Fifteen minutes later, I meet up with Ayumi and the rest of the tennis girls to see who made what number. The original regulars line up in the front. I stay in the back with the freshman; I really don’t attention right now.

The world must really not care about what I want. “And Akari, since she did her ranking match today isn’t on the list, so I’ll announce it now.”

He’s staring at me again. “Akari will be assigned to Court One.”


Murmurs line the court, but I’m much too busy trying to figure out what that means to listen to the gossip and disagreement.

One. Isn’t that the one Ayumi said was right before the regulars in skill. Does this coach seriously think I’m almost as good as a regular?! Did I not just lose terribly?!

I’d definitely be lying if I said I understood what the hell is going on here.

“One?! How is she a One?!”

“She’s a One and I’m not?! How is that even possible?!!”

I meet the coach’s eyes and he motions for me to meet him outside the fence.

“Why am I a One?” I don’t bother wasting time with hellos.

He sighs, “Because  I named you a One. I happen to actually believe in you. I’m not so sure you believe in yourself.”

“Excuse me?” Who is he to say something like that?! To me?! “You don’t know me.”

“Actually, I believe I do.” He frowns. “I watched your match, two years ago.”

I’m speechless. He was there?!

“You couldn’t have gotten worse in those years, so why is it that you can’t win against Cheiko?” I pull my eyes from his. I still can’t believe he actually watched that match. That wasn’t even in Japan!

“My sister couldn’t win against her either...” For lack of the better word, I am an idiot. Was that seriously the best response I could think of?! Ugh!

He raises an eyebrow, “Your sister’s an entirely different person.” He sighs like he can’t believe I even said that. I can’t believe I even said that. “You know, I was actually looking forward to coaching here when I heard you were here.”

I look up in shock. He wanted to coach... because of me?

“Don’t disappoint me.” He walks away and I end up regretting the loss. No. I wouldn’t have won anyway. It wasn’t a loss, it was a given.



Akari’s a One. I am a Zero.

It’s probably the first time I’ve been named as better than my sister, even though I started tennis before her. Even though I am the one who brought her into tennis, I am always lower than her. But no, this time. This time, I am better.

I’m shocked at how happy I am.

“Congratulations, Yumi-sempai, you deserve it.” A freshman smiles at me. She’s right, I do deserve it. I should be the better one for once. I can show off as much as I want to!

This time, I’m the one on the team, not my sister.

No. Am I a terrible person for being happy? Should I be sad for her?

Why should I be sad for her? She didn’t exactly play like a one, she sucked in that match!

If I was coach, she would’ve definitely been a Four.

How come she always gets the better treatment?! I worked hard to become a Zero, yet she plays like a four and becomes a One? How is that even fair?!

Am I really a bad person? Am I a bad sister?

“Congratulations, Yumi-chan!” A familiar hype cuts my train of thought.

“Ah, Kikumaru-sempai,” I grin at the handsome red head. “Thank you.”



Why do I feel so awkward? Oh yeah, I’m being glared at by a group of pissed off females getting ready to eat me! What did I ever do to them?! I’m pretty sure I don’t taste very good either...

“What?!” I frown at the group.

One of the girls; a rather small girl, steps forward. “Don’t think we’ll ever acknowledge you as One of us. Not after you lost in a love-game.”

Another girl, a taller one, smirks. “But, if you kindly leave now, you might be able to join the Twos.” She laughs along with the other girls. It is not that serious.

“Though I doubt they’ll accept her either.” Says the first girl.

I let out a frustrated sigh. “Did I ever ask you accept me?” They’re silent at my words. Good. “I never once said I would leave, nor do I plan to become a Two anytime soon.”

The tall girl rolls her eyes, “And? Your point is?”

I frown at her. Wasn’t I done talking? When did I say I had a point to get across? I don’t understand these girls. “I don’t have one.”

They giggle to themselves. “Glad I could amuse you. Now if you don’t mind, I actually don’t know any one of you. Maybe we could actually introduce ourselves?” I take a seat on the nearest bench and continue watching them eye each other.

Finally the short girl steps up and sighs, “I’m Maruya Sachi.” She continues glaring at me and leaves before I can tell her how nice it is to meet her. Note the sarcasm.

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