[13] Deadweight

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Chapter 13: Deadweight


I don't bother going back inside. And even though I really want more sushi, I don't want to risk having Ayumi yell at me again. So with a sigh, I'm about to leave when the door suddenly opens.

Startled, I assume it's Ayumi. Maybe something changed her mind, though I highly doubt it.

But, it's not Ayumi. It's Fuji Syusuke-sempai. And to say I'm shocked would be the understatement of the century.

"Fuji-sempai?!" His smile is still as prominent as ever, as creepy as ever too. I try to ignore it and fake a smile, "What're you doing here, I thought you were celebrating inside."

His smile falters. "Did something happen?"

I can't help the frown that sneaks through. "No, why?"

"Well, for one, your sister left in a good mood, yet for some reason, she returned looking rather angry." He pauses, seeming to assess the situation. How I know that, I have no idea. "And I could hear you from inside."

Wait. He could hear us?! "Exactly how much did you hear?"

His smile returns and I somehow think he's taunting me. "Enough to know you quit tennis." His smile shrinks just a bit, enough to make him look a bit curious. "Why did you quit?"

I sigh; I really don't want to have to go through that again. "I don't think that's any of your business... sempai" I don't mean it the least bit rude, but somehow it ends up coming out that way.

I'm not sure if he's offended or not, but I don't think he liked my answer very much. His smile is still prominent and I'm really starting to feel awkward. No, it's been awkward for a while now!

"I have to go." I don't think any speed I leave with would be fast enough to escape him. He's beyond weird.


By the time I get home, I notice Ayumi's already made it before me. Well, I guess it's no surprise; I got lost at least five times along the way. I even followed a map! I really need to work on that.

I'm greeted at the door by my scowling father – who, might I add, doesn't scowl much, or at all for that matter. He's pretty mad, and I bet I can give a good guess as to why.

A sigh escapes as soon as I enter. I'd say I honestly tried to avoid him on my way to my room, but then I'd also have to say that I failed – miserably.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks not looking the least bit pleased, though I don't expect him to be.

I pause at the stairs. "Uh... to my room?"

He sighs and stands from the chair he was sitting on. "I thought we were over this."

"Over what, exactly?" I ask, though I know exactly what he's talking about.

"I wanted to give you time to sort it out for yourself." He pauses, and I almost think he wants me to say something. But then he continues; "And I thought you had."

I want to avoid this conversation. I don't like where this is going, but I don't think there's an escape route. I certainly don't see one.

Apparently, now he's waiting for me to say something. "But then you quit again." He states with a sigh. He's frustrated, that much I can see. I don't want him to be, but how much longer can I pretend I'm the same person from two years ago?

"Why?" The question makes me turn right to him. Maybe I should be asking that question. Why is it that he's asking the same question Fuji-sempai asked? Why are they asking like I might actually want to answer?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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