Final Author's Note

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Thank you all for taking the time to read my story and comment and vote! It means a lot to me that most of you have liked it and have gotten back to me with all your kind words and honest thoughts.

I had many dilemmas when writing this story. I wanted to be realistic about it, but didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings who had gone through addiction or knew someone who is/has. At first, I wanted to kill Theodore by suicide when Josephine left him. An overdose on pills, I had wrote, but it didn't give closure, and that's what I wanted for my readers. Scrapping that, I was going to have Joe finish him, but didn't think it was an appropriate ending. But, I didn't want him to get better. Addictions don't go away overnight, and I'm NOT trying to say that it does. Theodore is going to have to travel a long road to recover, if he even does choose to become clean.

Infinite possibilities is what I've left you with. You can hate me for it, but I did not want to be the one to set a bad example and be judged for thinking badly of those who go through addiction. I didn't want to put across that their addictions would be the absolute end of them - though it will be for many. Many of them will safely recover. It will always stay with them, though. I envisioned Theodore being murdered. You can imagine whatever you like.

But, do not think that anyone with addiction is not capable of recovering. They are. Most of them want to, but there aren't enough resources that are successful enough to help them. That is why we must be there to encourage them.

But, please, if you are suffering from anything mentioned in the book or anything thereabouts, do talk to someone. A friend, a family member or even a doctor. My message box is open 24/7. I'm always here to talk, but please do talk to someone. You don't have to be alone on your path of recovery ♡.

Now, I hope you understand why I ended the story the way I did. I will be quite happy to answer any questions that anyone has. I hope you don't hate me too much!

Again, thank you all for everything. I pray that this wasn't a disappointment to you. I love you all.


Amy L. x

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