Ch. 12: The Sewage Detour

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Chapter 12


*Marie's P.O.V.*

"Um, what are we doing here, Andromon?" Gomamon pipes up in confusion from my arms, squinting curiously at the many dark symbols in the battery room and oblivious to the glowing symbols only I am able to see.

The strange symbols of code look the same as they had when I ran out before, though Andromon is mostly focused on the walls of codes rather than the floating symbols like I am. His arm sweeps carefully over a certain row, where I note the smear of a certain inked symbol that has Izzy laughing nervously when Andromon pauses beside it. My curious eyes shift towards Izzy in question.

"I sort of messed that up when I went chasing after Marie..." Izzy admits sheepishly, standing in the battery room with TK, Gabumon, Tentomon, Patamon, Gomamon, and I. At Izzy's words, I see Yamato raising an eyebrow of confusion in our direction out of the corner of my eye, prompting Izzy to wave him off with a mouthed 'later' that sort of... irritates me. Not enough to make me revert back to ignoring Izzy, but enough for Gomamon to notice and roll his eyes at me.

I pointedly avoid all the digimons' gazes after that little moody spark.

The rest of the kids hover around the doorway, looking in with interest as they observe Andromon's movements. He pulls something out from a compartment in his chest, and when I lean around to try and see what he's doing, I note the marker in his hand... and raise my eyebrows in surprise as he rewrites the symbol correctly and the lights of the factory all flicker back to life.

"That should be suffice," Andromon drones, putting the marker away as he takes a slow glance up at the lights and then back at Izzy and I. "What questions do you children have?"

Tai opens his mouth to speak, but before he can, I turn just in time to see Jojo pushing forward and slapping a hand over Tai's mouth to blurt out, "Are there any humans here?!"

Andromon blinks deliberately- slowly- at Jojo, as if he can't process why my favorite cousin is asking such a dumb question. Obviously there are humans there, he's staring at us right now... But it doesn't hurt to be a little more precise with his question.

"He means humans other than us," I assist after a second, hearing Gomamon snickering under his breath at the look Andromon continues to give my cousin.

"...No," Andromon answers flatly, causing Jojo to deflate immediately. His hand falls from Tai's face, leaving the brown haired boy to sweat drop at him curiously. "There are no other humans here other than the eight of you."

Yamato blows out a breath of mild vexation. "Perfect... Absolutely no progress," the gold haired boy huffs rather close behind me, but I resist the urge to bolt away since I'm standing next to TK. He already wants to ask me something regarding my behavior around his older brother (I'm sure of it), and I don't want to remind him about it by continuing to display my discomfort around Yamato.

"Do you know Meramon?" Sora speaks up next, once again interrupting Tai and leaving him to make a slight face of annoyance as he closes his mouth and drops the finger he's raised. I put a hand over my mouth to stop my grin of amusement at him, but he catches it out of the corner of his eye and gives me a mischievous warning smile that has me looking away quickly out of the intensity of my delighted feelings.

When I notice Agumon pointedly staring at me from my other side though, I freeze up and conceal my giddy emotions like the snap of a clam. Agumon only smiles and appears to brush off whatever he's sensed, clearly not understanding why I'm so gleeful around his partner most of the time and why I choose to hide that fact like I'm currently doing right now. I let out a sigh of relief under my breath at Agumon's lack of further observance.

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