Ch. 7: Target Acquired

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Chapter 7


*Marie's P.O.V*

"I told you there were a lot of digimon ahead. Was I wrong, or was I not?" I remarked to Joe, looking up at him when we stopped in front of the small village Tai had spotted through his monocular.

"Wow, this is tinier than I originally thought it was- I thought it just looked small 'cause of the distance," Tai commented, leaving Joe standing slack jawed beside me as he processed what he was seeing.

"We sensed you were thirsty! Here!" A little voice chimed in from one of the little straw huts, jumping out and revealing only one of the many similar creatures that inhabited the little village we stood among like giants.

They were like little pink roots with blue flowers on their circular shaped bodies, walking around on many small tentacles along their undersides. The one that had spoken brought a wooden bowl right up to me, causing me to flinch and dash behind Jojo nervously. They didn't seem dangerous, but I felt uncomfortable due to their green-eyed awe struck stares trained on me, causing Gomamon, Agumon, and Tai to lightly laugh while the other kids walked around to examine the digimon village.

"Don't worry, they're just Pyocomon. They won't hurt you, Marie," Tai tried to comfort me, misunderstanding the reason for my distress and taking the offered bowl from the small digimon to hand it to me.

"No, no, Taichi, that's not why she's hiding. Marie's just nervous because they're all staring at her!" Agumon corrected his partner while I took the bowl from my crush.

"Thank you..." I mumbled to them, glad I didn't have to try to explain myself. I guess that was one plus to having my emotions out on display for the digimon to sense.

I took the bowl from Tai and began to raise it to my lips, only for the little Pyocomon to gasp in light awe.

"Her hair is so yellow-y!"

"Yellowey, yellowey~!" Some of them sang, causing me to pause before finally taking a drink.

To be honest, I was almost shocked at how clean the water tasted, and I'd been hiking before. Usually nature's mountain water was pretty clean, but for water out of the wilderness like this to taste so good... It was pretty surprising and I felt better after getting some liquid into my system. In fact, the Pyocomon began to jump around cheerfully after my drink.

"Happy, happy! She's happy!" One Pyocomon cheered, jumping around to the other kids with the rest of the flower digimon.

"I feel happy too~!"

"Me three!" Agumon started to join in, jumping up and down as well and nearly slapping Tai in the face with a limb. I couldn't help but pull the bowl away at that moment, taking in Tai's panicked look when Agumon's claw swept close enough to take an eye out. Water spat from my lips and I shoved the bowl in Jojo's arms to burst out laughing, only to hear the Pyocomon giggling among themselves as well.

"Huh, that's interesting..." Koushiro observed, looking from my relaxing features to that of the absolutely entranced Pyocomon that were looking at me and the other kids. "Is it just me, or are these Pyocomon extremely sensitive to Marie's emotions?"

"Maybe it's because they're Lesser digimon?" Tentomon suggested, while I caught my breath and hauled myself back onto my feet.

"Thank you for the water," I acknowledged the little digimon, only to feel a pulling at my shirt from my back. I turned to see Sora and Piyomon, the latter of which was pulling me to get my attention and the former looking around in clear surprise at the many pink critters around.

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