Ch. 9: A Glimpse of the Past

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Chapter 9


*Marie's P.O.V.*

"Hey, Marie. It's morning, time to wake up," I heard a familiar voice murmur beside me, causing me to roll onto my stomach and push up in a dazed sitting position. Color me surprised, Agumon had snuck over to sleep next to me sometime in the night, curled up at my side and making a sound of discontent when I moved to wake myself up for the day.

Sora was kneeling beside us, a bundle of folded clothing in her hands as she greeted my drowsy expression with a smile. "The Pyocomon took me to wash the sand out of your old clothes. They didn't have fabric softener or detergent, but it'll have to do for now. Come on, I'll take you somewhere to change. Mimi's already waiting for us," Sora said, standing up and taking my hand.

"Nooo, don't go..." Agumon moaned from where we left him, though I didn't really listen to him since I was still kind of half asleep.

We found Mimi at the outskirts of the Village, near the lake where the sunken ship that had served as a shelter the day before still stood with its rusted hull poking out of the water. Mimi shot Sora and I a grin, joined by Piyomon and Palmon, the latter holding a blanket or towel of the sorts with a cheerful expression on her plant-like face.

"Good morning~!" Piyomon chirped, jumping up to greet me with Palmon.

"Hi," was my simple reply, with a yawn catching me off guard near the end of my plain greeting.

"Oh, she's the cutest..." Mimi melted, taking the blanket from Palmon gently and handing a corner to Sora. Sora passed the clothing to Piyomon, and with a wink from both girls, they pulled the blanket up- efficiently creating a curtain to block any peeping toms from the boys back in the Piyomon village as they gathered more necessities like food for however long our next walk would be.

"Alright. Whenever you're ready, Marie!" Palmon giggled, holding my clean clothes while I stripped of the charred remains of my old clothing.

It was while I was in the process of pulling my aqua blue button tank on, I heard Piyomon make a noise of curiosity. "What's that red spot on your hip?" The pink avian digimon asked moments after, making me pause and lift the hem of my shirt to look at what she was talking about.

I smiled a little, blushing at the fact that other than Mika and Mom, no one else every really caught sight of it. Mika was my best friend- and I used to have trouble getting along with other kids before the start of this year. Nowit wasn't that I was having trouble getting along, it was that I was too shy to make friends...

On the edge of my hip at the point where my hip met my waist was a striking red birthmark the size of a dollar coin, one Mika used to jokingly say looked to have the shape and texture of a strawberry. It was noticeable against my contrasting skin tone, and Palmon poked gently at it as if it were maybe a type of injury like the purple and blue bruises that were currently scattered across my back and waist.

Piyomon's questions seemed to attract Mimi's attention from looking out at the Pyocomon village. Upon seeing what the digimon were marveling over, she giggled. "Oh, that's a birthmark! Sometimes humans are born with weird marks like that, I think. My dad has one on his arm that looks like a bruise!" Mimi stated, looking at her arm and holding it down at the two digimon and myself while I pulled my clean pants on and gave Sora and Mimi a nod that I was ready. "See, I have the same kind on my arm! My mom says it was passed down to me from him. I like mine- it looks like a heart!"

Sora folded the blanket up while I undid my now messy braids to run my fingers through my hair, gathering it once I'd gotten through most of the tangles and pulling it up into a lazy bun to catch any fortunate breezes in the scalding environment.

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