Chapter 3

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Serina's POV

It was 5 am sharp when I woke up. I always got up this early because it was the perfect time to practice my powers without anyone seeing. I started simple with a few drills that my mother had taught me. It started first with concentrating on my powers and placing them all under me will. If I didn't do this it would cause me to lose control and go on a rampage possibly destroying the whole school.I felt the feelings of fire, water, earth, and air pass over me one by one. My powers having been heightened by the meditation. Slowly I practiced my powers for twenty minutes before returning to my room and sleeping until 6.


I got up and ready for class. Kaylee and I went to class and just talked about Friday. She didn't know what I was planning but knew that it would be spectacular. As I always do when it comes to projects oh well Friday is only 3 days away. 

An: Okay I've been grounded all week and have been going on an updating spree but now I'm finally back on schedule.  

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