Chapter 2

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Daniel's POV

I took in a deep breath as I walked down the corridor ,that led to the office. I entered and the secretary Ms.Ruby looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello Daniel here to sign up I presume?" I smiled back and nodded, I wasn't in the mood to talk. She handed me the sign up sheet and I signed my name.

Serina's POV

I'm so excited the Power challenge is coming up and I was the first one to sign up. The thing is though that no one ,but my parents, Kaylee, and the teachers know what they are so I'm ready to impress. Maybe then Kaden will leave me alone. I stood up and left my class. The hallways were crowded. I looked around trying to spot Kaylee's white-blond head in the sea of people. I finally spotted her, she was standing in front of the history of evil doings waiting for class to start. I sat at my desk quietly bored out of my mind. If it weren't that my mom would kill me I would have left right then and there. After a literal eternity the bell rang. I grabbed my things and ran out of the door. You think I'm joking well I'm not I ran out of the door and to my dorm. I felt dead and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

Daniel's pov

I'm not sure what happened after I signed up for the power challenge. The whole day was just a blur. I couldn't help but worry. If I failed at the power challenge I will be an outcast. But now isn't a time to think about that. I wonder what the villains kids are like. For all we know they could be nice and just misunderstood. Or ,on the flip side, they could be evil know-it-all's.

The Next Day

Daniel's pov

I raced down the hall I'm late for class

The power challenge is only 3 days away. I still haven't got a slightest idea for which of my posers I'll show off. Oh well I'll figure it out soon enough. I still have 3 days including today. If I don't figure out what to do by the Power Challenge then I'll probably just wing it like I do all of my tests.

An:Woo hoo look who made the deadline they set up for themselves me that's who. For those of you who don't know I've made a schedule for myself where I will be updating this every Wednesday and for more information on my other stories check out "Writing Schedule" on my account. EMBRY OUT! PEACE!

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