CHAPTER 8: A Broken Heart Only Seeking Its Other Half

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A dripping, forked tongue fell out from Xavier's lips. He seductively licked the side of my face, causing me to quake with fear. "You are mine now Mo. I will not let anyone else have you." he moved his lips against my cheek. I shook my head violently to get him off.

"What did you do Rae?" I demanded. Xavier pulled back and cocked his head. His eyes, completely white, seemed to be looking hard at me. It made me shiver. I wished the lights were off again, so that I couldn't see his face.

"Rae is simply out of the picture now. Gone. Do not think about her anymore." he said calmly. He sat down and leaned against the wall. When I looked at him again, he appeared to be normal once more. I breathed a small sigh of relief knowing that now he was not as much of a threat.

"I never meant to hurt you, Mo. I never meant to hurt anyone. It just played out that way, and there's nothing I can do to reverse it. All I wanted was for you to love me as much as I love you. It was a stupid idea. You've never even looked at me lovingly and here I am gawking over you.

"I'm just a fool. I don't know why I ever thought you would love me back. But then I made my plan, turn you against Dylan to make you upset, and then I would be the one to comfort and love you. It all went pretty much as planned until I bit you. I still love you and I will make you love me too." he explained.

I was speechless. I had no idea what to say. My mind was over-flowing with thoughts, and multiple emotions. Hatred, pity, sympathy, anger, fear, and sadness welled up inside of me. I tried my hardest to control it, but soon it all became too much and warm tears streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry Mo." Xavier said in a tone of voice I had never heard before. He sounded afraid and apologetic. I looked at him curiously. A few seconds ago, he looked like he was going to kill me, but now it appeared as if he was on the brink of tears.

He stood up slowly. He then moved towards me and untied the rope. He took my hand with a gentle grip this time. He led me over to where he just was and sat down. He tugged on my arm for me to sit too. Shakily, I sat next to him. He smiled sadly. I stared blankly at the wall opposite us.

"Maybe I approached this the wrong way." he sighed after twenty minutes of just sitting there. Wow, you really don't know how to make up your mind. I thought. Xavier suddenly screamed in anger and threw his fist into the floor. I jumped and slid away from him in fear.

"Get out of here Mo." he stated through clenched teeth. I took his suggestion and ran out of the room. I let my feet carry me as far away from that motel as they could go. I never looked back and continued running for an hour. I ended up at an old office building that I had never seen before.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2012 ⏰

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