Chapter 23 - Surprise Reunion

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Bulma jiggled Trunks in her arms as she waited with Yamcha and Tien for all the rest of the Z warriors to arrive to the small island just adjacent to South City. This was the place that the lavender haired boy had foretold of the Androids arrival. Being a scientist herself, naturally Bulma wanted to see these Androids and find out what all the fuss was about. Also, Bulma hoped that this would be the place that Vegeta would make his return. Looking up into the sky, she could make out four figures flying closer to their location.

"I think that's all of them," Yamcha stated staring up at the blue sky as he shielded his eyes from the sun with his hand. In a few short minutes Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo and Goku landed in front of them. Goku's mouth fell open in surprise from seeing Bulma standing there with her lavender haired baby in her arms and felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach. Instantaneously the feelings that he had been trying to repress for the past year came rushing back. Memories of waking up next to her in bed, pulling her into his arms for a kiss, carrying her around as they flew in search of the dragonballs became prominent in his mind. However, these memories he had were his alone as she had no clue of the time they had spent together, which was obvious in her innocent smile that she gave them as waved wildly to them with her free arm.

"Hi guys! Long-time no see, am I right? Oh Kami, Gohan! Look how tall you've grown!" Bulma proclaimed as her son timidly turned his head away from the new guests. Gohan looked inquisitively at the baby in her arms as did everyone else.

"Bulma, you have a baby! Did you and Yamcha finally get married?" Krillin asked as he tried to take a peek at the child's face which was hidden in folds of Bulma's shirt.

"No way, pal. We've been broken up for a while now. The kid's not mine either. Wait until you hear whose it is. You will pass out from the shock," Yamcha answered bitterly for the both of them.

"Well, I'd say Vegeta is Trunks father." Goku answered in a serious tone, pretending to guess although he already knew the truth. Everyone that circled them gasped in shock.

"That's amazing Goku! How did you figure that one out?" Bulma asked, looking impressed.

"Well…he…uh…has Vegeta's eyebrows. It's a dead giveaway!" Goku responded with a hasty smile.

"But you even guessed his name correctly!" Bulma exclaimed with awe and Piccolo snickered knowing that Goku would have trouble digging his way out this one.

"Oh, wow. I guessed his name right on my first try? No way! Chichi will never believe this when I tell her later," Goku quickly explained as a blush slowly rose to his cheeks.

"So, you and Vegeta are married then?" Krillin asked looking curiously up at the new mother.

Bulma's face instantly changed to one of happiness to one of bitterness at hearing Krillin's question. Finally looking up with cynicism in her eyes, she responded.

"Vegeta and I are not what you would call the traditional couple. Not being from Earth, he did not feel it necessary to share in our 'Earth' customs," she enlightened the gang with sarcasm dripping from her voice. From the expression on Bulma's face, it was clear that Vegeta had rejected her proposal of marriage. Goku's heart fell at hearing Bulma's reply, this wasn't the life he had wanted for her. A person like her deserved to be cherished and treated well. Goku had honestly believed that Vegeta had it in him to provide that for Bulma and their baby.

"Where is Vegeta, by the way?" Piccolo asked, interrupting Goku's thoughts.

"Oh, he'll be here, don't you worry about that. It's one of the few things I'm certain about when it comes to that guy," Bulma reassured the warriors.

"But Bulma, why are you here? This will be dangerous territory, you really shouldn't be here!" Goku said worriedly, afraid for her safety.

"Well, I'm not here to participate, just merely observe. Once I get a good look at the Androids, I'll head back home out of harm's way," Bulma replied in a tone that told everyone that she wouldn't change her mind. She also failed to mention that she was here for Vegeta's return which she felt was a reason that was best kept to herself.

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