Chapter 11 - The Missing Heiress

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Goku dodged a round-house kick from his young son and countered with block which caught Gohan off balance. However, Gohan quickly recovered and swooped up in the air with a deft uppercut which almost landed on Goku's gut. Goku was quick and grasped Gohan's fist before it could make contact with his stomach. While Goku held Gohan still in his grasp, he took his opportunity to blast Gohan with his ki. He let go of Gohan's fist and Gohan flew backwards in the opposite direction.

Goku always felt so energetic and vibrant when he fighting, there weren't many things in life that gave him such exhilaration as a good fight. That was until he kissed Bulma. When he was training with Gohan and Piccolo he was focused on the task at hand, which was strengthening himself, his son and his ally. But when he wasn't working out he found himself thinking about Bulma since he found reminders of her presence everywhere.

The sky on clear day was her eyes, which was the backdrop of his training zone. The water that reflected the sky's hues and rippled under the breeze was her hair when she tossed her head in amusement. The sakura tree that bloomed at his back window was her complexion when she blushing under a compliment and the red roses at his door was Bulma when she was angry. And when he had a moment alone, he often thought about their first kiss together. He had felt so alive when she was in his arms. To let her go was necessary, but what he would give if he could have had another moment or two.

Goku flew forward in his distraction over his thoughts, since Gohan was able to sneak around him and landed a flat kick to his back. Goku's heart swelled with pride as he noted that his son was recovering faster, hitting harder and getting stronger. He was improving at an exponential rate and it made Goku proud.

"Good job Gohan!" Goku encouraged.

Gohan smiled wide. "Thanks Dad!"

Piccolo sneered, "It was an improvement for you Gohan but now I'm worried about Goku's skills."

Although Goku was fighting to his top potential, Piccolo noticed that sometimes he would get distracted by something other than his growling stomach. But by what? Piccolo didn't know. Ever since that night of the full moon, Goku was ever so slightly off. One big change in their training regimen is that Goku had implemented study time for Gohan in the evening, which cut their training period short. Also, Piccolo found that Goku's focus was not same as before. About 90% of the time Goku was determined and tuned in, but with the threat of Androids drawing nearer and nearer, Piccolo needed Goku to be at 100% all the time.

Goku reddened at Piccolo's comment, fully aware of what was distracting him. He rubbed the back of neck and smiled nervously at Piccolo.

"Maybe I could use some lunch, we've been training pretty hard since dawn," Goku attempted to blame his empty belly. Piccolo scoffed, as his own diet was vegetarian and he never had quite an insatiable appetite like his saiyan-jin comrades.

"Goku! Over here!" Goku, Gohan and Piccolo turned to the voice that called out his name.

"Goku! I need your help!" Yamcha appeared before the trio.

"Yamcha? What's wrong? Why are you here?" Goku asked looking at the distressed expression on Yamcha's face.

"It's Bulma, she's disappeared! No one can find her. Her parents are worried sick and have asked me to help them look for her!" Yamcha explained.

"What do you mean she disappeared?" Goku asked in alarm.

"Her parents can't find her. One day she was home and the next day, she was gone. They said that some of her clothes are missing and her lab was ransacked but there was no note, no explanation, no phone call, nothing was left behind to tell them where she went." Yamcha told them. "And since her power levels are low, it's like finding a needle in a haystack!"

An individual with a high power level was quick to find for warriors like them, but to find a person with regular powel level among a population with low power levels was almost impossible. Yamcha looked very troubled over Bulma's out-of-the-blue disappearance.

"It's not like her to leave for such a long period time without telling anyone where she went," Yamcha said.

"Why not ask Vegeta to help you? I believe Bulma was helping him with his training." Piccolo asked with slight annoyance.

"Pfft! Vegeta, help me? All he cares about is his training. I wouldn't be surprised if he was reason that drove Bulma away with no explanation." Yamcha snorted.

Goku recalled how Bulma had needed his help before with maintaining Vegeta and thought maybe Yamcha's suspicion had some merit. Perhaps Bulma did need help with Vegeta but didn't ask Goku for his help because she had wanted to stay away from Goku after their kiss at Mt. Poazu.

"Goku, there really shouldn't be any more interruptions to our training either." Piccolo stated.

"But Bulma could be in trouble, we have to help Yamchan in finding her right now!" Goku responded, ignoring Piccolo's comment.

"Whatever happened to your stomach?" Piccolo asked while rolling his eyes.

"First we get lunch, and then we help Yamcha!" Goku amended.

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