Chapter 8 - Love's Admission

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Bulma really didn't have a plan of action about how she was going to tell Goku, she wasn't using her logical brain when she jetted off in her air car with the passenger seat overloaded with food to Mt. Paozu. But now, she sincerely wished that her smart and rational brain hadn't abandoned her, as her face was heating up with shame as she sat at Chichi's kitchen table.

When she had arrived to Goku's humble abode in Mt. Paozu she didn't find him there. He was out diligently training with Gohan and Piccolo, however she did meet Chichi. Chichi was very appreciative of the study time that Gohan received the day before and upon seeing all the foodstuffs laden in Bulma's arms, she understood that Bulma had come over to show her thanks. Chichi invited her in and politely asked her to stay for lunch with the boys. Bulma jumped at the chance to spend time with Goku when Chichi offered it, the respectable side of her brain obviously still on vacation.

Chichi immediately sat Bulma down at the table, made her a cup of tea and bowl of soup, as she continued with her cooking chores and chattered on about Gohan's brilliance. Chichi didn't get a lot of company and she always had a lot to say. Chichi's welcome and her chattering about Gohan's potential as a Harvard scholar caused Bulma's moral side brain to come back to earth and made Bulma feel absolutely horrible about her true intentions for her visit.

She had been on cruising on a rosy warm wave of being in love on her trip here, but now she felt like she just got doused with a cold bucket of reality. Being ensconced in Goku's home with his wife and their familial surroundings about her only made her feel guiltier. Bulma could not take her eyes off a clumsily drawn picture that Gohan created as a young child that hung proudly on the wall. It was of himself and Goku flying on what she assumed was his youthful interpretation of the nimbus.

"Is the soup really that spicy?" Chichi asked looking Bulma's reddening face, misunderstanding the flushed expression.

"Huh? Oh, um, yes! But it's very good, I actually really like this way!" Bulma exclaimed, spooning the last of the steaming broth into her mouth. "I wish I knew how cook like you. I'm forever getting take-out or popping open a Capsule dinner."

"Spoken like a true West City girl!" Chichi laughed.

"Speaking of West City, I should really get back. I don't think I can stick around for very long," Bulma said, giving up on her ill-fated plans of her declaration of love. How could she tell Goku such a thing, especially when he had such a concerned wife and admirable child?

"Well, Goku will be disappointed to hear that you came all the way over here and then left without even saying hello. But if you need to go, then I won't force you to stay," Chichi replied. Although she liked having non-combatant company over, there was some relief that Goku's glamorous friend wouldn't be spending any more time with them. In this particular situation, Chichi couldn't work Bulma's presence to her own and Gohan's benefit like she was able to yesterday.

"You can tell Goku on my behalf then," Bulma said getting up.

"Or you can tell me yourself," Goku said with Gohan behind him.

"Hiya Bulma," Gohan waved with a sweet smile. Bulma smiled back nervously, still feeling remorseful about her original plans.

"Gohan, go wash up before lunch!" Chichi yelled. Gohan then disappeared down the hall.

"You too, Goku!" she hollered.

Goku smiled his signature sweet smile that Gohan had obviously inherited, to hide the small embarrassment he felt for being yelled at like a child.

"You're joining us for lunch, right Bulma?" Goku asked before he joined his son in washing up before their meal.

"Sorry Goku, but no. I only came by with some of your favorites as a thank-you for yesterday's heroics. But I gotta get back. I totally forgot I had to do something Capsule Corp. related," Bulma lied, as she looked upon Goku's handsome face. She had to suppress the strong urge inside of her that was pushing her towards him. All she wanted to do was to wrap her arms around him and bury her face in his strong chest.

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