Chapter Three

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2005, Mystic Falls

  The Salvatore brothers came in after the wedding, looking for the coffin.

Damon saw the casket opened and empty, "Where is she?" He turned towards Stefan, Stefan looked at him in disbelief. "How would I know? I was with you the entire time," they both heard a noise and they turned to the casket.

In the place in front of the casket stood Elena Gilbert, alive and well but that was imposter.  She had a spell covering up but the Salvatore brothers were clueless.

Damon looked at her with dumbfound expression, "Elena?" He breathed, her expression flickered. "Where am I? Am I okay?" Elena panicked, she went on, "is Bonnie...?" She trailed off, Damon interrupted her, "she's okay, and you're okay."

Elena grinned and Damon went up to her and grabbed her into a hug, Elena hugged him back and giggle quietly.

Damon knew something was wrong when her laugh is more darker and dangerous, his mind clicked. He immediately dropped her and she stumbled, "no no no," Damon breathed.

She glared at him, "rude." She scoffed. Then Stefan figured out, "you got to be kidding me." He moved slightly, "Isabella," he glared at her.

She grinned and the body that she was in faded slowly to Isabella's true self, she stood up taller, "hello brothers."

Then she walked to the table that held all the alcohol, she needed some.

As she was pouring whiskey in her glass, "Where's Katherine?" Damon demanded, "She's in Hell somewhere." She shrugged nonchalantly, she turned after she put down the whiskey bottle.

"Am I drinking alone?" She raised her eyebrow, Stefan glared at her, "where's Elena?" He asked, she took a sip and replied, "dead." Then she made a face, "Spiritual coma if we're getting technical," she sneered. Stefan sighed.

"Her physical body, where is it?" He demanded, Isabella glared at him, "that's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot." She smirked then she turned around to pour her some more whiskey.

"I hope you like the show that I put on for you," she turned around to them, her expression changed, "it's been a hoot watching you guys take on the devil." She giggles, then she sneered, "especially considering that I wrapped him around my finger since the minute I stepped into Hell. Why did you think he wanted you? Because I wanted you. Duh," she rolled her eyes and snapped her finger.

Damon appeared before her, took the drink out of her hand, and smashed it against the wall. Isabella sighed, "Damn it Isabella, where is she?" Damon growled, she smirked at him.

"It's a really perfect revenge," she sneered at him, "At ten p.m., Mystic Falls will burn, precious Elena will burn and I'm guessing one of you will be going down with her." Stefan crept up closer to Damon and Isabella, the dagger in his hand, ready to strike if needed to.

"Should I place my bets now?" Isabella questioned, then she felt the searing pain in her collarbone. She started to choked, then she fell against the floor.

"Well, that'll put her out for awhile," Damon sighed.

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