Warm feeling | A. Hamilton

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[Modern AU]

A/N: This was looong but it was worth it! Hope you like this!

TW: Angst, Swearing, and Cheating


You walked down the sidewalk as rain started to pour. Cursing to yourself, you remembered that you didn't have an umbrella.

You ran over to the nearest shade you could reach, luckily it was a convinient store. You brushed your boots on the rag they had at the entrance, looking down at it you saw the word 'welcome'. You smiled at the imprinted word.

You entered the store slightly damp from the rain. The store only had three people in it, the cashier, an old man wandering around, and a guy smoking by the magazine section. You walked towards the cashier brushing off the little raindrops on your jacket.

"Excuse me, do you have any umbrellas here?" You asked politely. The guy at the counter faced you, turning his attention away from his book. He layed in a bookmark and carefully placed the book down.

"I think we do." He looked unsure as to where it was, you figured he was new here. He exited the small booth and walked over to the corner of the store.

After a couple minutes he came back, an umbrella in his hand.

"Thanks." You said as you watched him slide the object across the scanner making the little 'beep' noise. You couldn't help but notice the book that was placed on the counter, it was one of the books your favorite author had written.

"Hey, you read these kind of books?" You asked grabbing his attention.

"Oh yeah, I enjoy the genre." He said looking at you, giving you a chance to look at his eyes.

You were somehow enticed with his eyes. The even glimmer it gave off intruiged you with enthusiasm. They were like sweet treats to your eyes, satisfying you with every look.

He waved his hand over your face noticing you were starting to daze off. "Um Hello?" He said making you snap out of your thoughts.

"O-Oh yeah, here." You pulled out a couple dollars from your bag, a bit embarrassed.

He smiled at you and said "It's on the house."

You were suprised with what he said. Isn't it his job to take your money? What if he gets fired? These thoughts started to rush around as you looked at him.

"No, it's alright I can pay." You placed the money on the counter, he slided it back to you."I'm serious it's on the house, I mean it's a ten dollar umbrella my boss would never fire me for that." He joke.

You were taken aback from what he said. This sudden act of kindness of his warmed your heart in a way you've only regained now.

"Y/N." You said smiling at him. He gave you the umbrella and gladly smiled back.

"Alex." He said.

You walked out the store seeing alex still waving at you, you laughed and waved back. Opening the umbrella you saw the colorful designs spread out.

You headed towards the shared apartment you had with your boyfriend. After a few blocks you arrived at the condominium that was all too familiar to yoy, you had to walk up the hundreds of stairs before you actually arrived to your apartment.

You stood infront of the door panting, you scrambled through your pocket until finally pulling out your keys. You placed the key in and twisted the knob slowly opening the door.

Once you stepped in the familiar scent of your apartment was filled with a the malice of an unfamiliar scent. You looked aroun and saw clothes scattered around the couch, having a positive outlook you just assumed it was your boyfriend's.

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