Tony Padilla Writing Prompt [6]

791 18 5

Requested by mywaywardfandom

I was at Monets with clay studying for our upcoming test. "Clay?" I poked clays shoulder, he hummed in response. "How do I get the answer for this question?" I asked putting the paper in front of clay.

"Um...well u have to use bidmas" I nodded my head looking down at the paper and using clays technique. While clay was getting me and him something to drink Tony pulled me away.

"What the fuck Tony?!" I shouted drawing attention to us. "Why are u with clay?" He asked rage filling his voice. "3 things" I said holding three fingers up. "1) me and clay are studying for our upcoming test, 2) it's none of ur business and 3) U're not my dad so go away"

I pushed Tony back and walked away, back to clay. "I'm not going anywhere!" Tony called back raising his voice, I turned around and asked "and what not Padilla?" I saw tony fiddle with his fingers, so I turned around and started to walk away.

"Don't u fuckin get it? I love u y/n!" I turned around and said "but aren't u gay?" He shook his head with a smile played on his lips "I'm bisexual y/l/n" he corrected me. "Well I might as well tell u this....I love u too" I confessed with a small grin

"Wait really? Don't lie to me y/n" he said "I'm not lying, I really do love u Tony Padilla" I stated putting my arms around his neck, Tony pulled me close and kissed me. When we pulled away Tony asked "Will u be my girlfriend?" I nodded

"Of course I will" I said giggling
285 Words
Me: I'm sorry if this is another short one, it's gran (nana), she's gone, don't forget to vote, comment and share *cries*
Tony: *hugs me* sshh it's ok
Clay: Tony can u dro- kalie what's wrong?
Me: n-nothing, well g-guys were g-gonna go-o
Tony and clay: bye
Me: c-cya xx 💙💙

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