Tony padilla writing prompt [1]

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Requested by mywaywardfandom

At home
I was listening to the tapes in my room at 1am. I was on tape 13 the last one. When I listened to them all I rewinded them and put them back in the box. I went to bed at 2:30am when I woke up I got a message from Tony saying

Tony- have you finished all the tapes?

Me- yes

Tony- geez who shat in ur breakfast this morning?


At school

I walked down the hall and straight over to Bryce, Justin, Alex, Marcus and Zach. "Oh hi y/n!" A very cheery zach said, I turn to him and said "hi" the other gave me a confused look, I waited for the rest of Hannah's killers to come in. When they all gathered around the front doors of the school, I said "I know what u all did"

I pushed Bryce back and shouted "YOU HAD NO FUCKIN RIGHT TO RAPE HANNAH AND JESS! NO FUCKIN RIGHT" before Bryce could say anything back I turned towards Justin and Alex. "And u two! Ha I thought u were better than this Alex, guess I was fuckin wrong!" I said now fuming.

"Oh poor little Justin, hitting on the new girl then 'exposing' her! Wow how fucking mature of u. That's such a fucking Justin foley move" I looked over at Marcus and said "Oh don't get me started on u Marcus, let me think. U went on a date with Hannah for dollar valentine. Why? To check if the rumours were true? Ha that's so fuckin funny cause she was everything but that!"

I was about to turn to Courtney when I heard the oh so familiar voice of Tony Padilla saying "Someone knock some sense into her!" I was about to tell him to piss off but Ryan already told him to fuck off. Next person was Courtney

"oh little miss innocent! Wait hold the fuck up ur not fucking innocent, u were the one who kissed Hannah, you started the rumour saying Foley and Hannah fucked in the park, yet she fuCKIN DIDN'T! Y'all make me fuckin sick" I shouted.

I was getting ready to walk away when Jessica shouted "what about u then? Why don't u tell us why u were on the tapes?" I was gonna shout back at her but I heard Justin telling her to shut up. So I turned to her and got ready to lunge at her but Montgomery came and held me back telling me to stop. "Get the fuck off me Montgomery!" I started to kick my legs around trying to get out of monty's stern grip.

"WATCH UR FUCKING BACKS" was all I said before Monty pulled me out the doors and on to the field where Tony was. When we reach him monty let go of me. "FUCK U PADILLA! Why tf did u shout that?" I started to get dangerously close to him, I raised my hand getting ready to slap him. "I dare u" was all I heard before I slapped him. I slapped Tony Padilla.

Next thing I know I've got my knees to my chest and my arms shielding my face. Then it hit me, literally, Tony was throwing punches at me. "GET THE FUCK OFF HER NOW PADILLA!" Was all I heard before everything turned black. I don't know what happened and let me be honest all I knew was I deserved everything I got.
570 Words
Me: mywaywardfandom i didn't know how u wanted it so I decided to write it like this. I hope u liked it.
Tony: Kalie, of course she like it. It was cool even though the ending was quite brutal.
Me: Anyway don't forget to vote, comment and share.
Tony: bye
Me: bye guys xx 💙💙

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