Master Albert

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"Who's this?" Juno asked, pulling out a picture of a woman with fire red hair holding a small infant boy.

"My mother." Master Albert replied distantly. "She died when I was young."

"She was beautiful..."

"Yes. She was." the Sage agreed dully. "That picture has survived two very devastating wars, you know. I can't think to believe you know what it was like, having friends and family lost at the hands of Mavericks in such distressing times."

"I think I do." Juno decided, tilting her head at the picture before looking up at Master Albert.

"No, you would not." he corrected her, taking the picture from her hands and setting it back on the display stand. "You were born in an era of peace. Yes, you have seen Mavericks attack and kill others, but they were not in the same magnitude as it was then. The weak were constantly cut down, leaving only the strongest to survive."

Juno looked up at Master Albert then looked down. It went unsaid, but she wondered if he really meant to say that his mother was one of the weak.

Mega AU: 2017 Mother's Day VignettesWhere stories live. Discover now