Chapter 37

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"So we can leave now?" I questioned excitedly.

My father grinned. "Yep."

"Finally," I sighed.

"Let's get you home," my dad said.

I stood up, with the crutches supporting me, Charlie and my father on either side, ready to catch me if I fell.

The two led me out of the hospital, and to the car, where they helped me settle into the backseat comfortably. My dad sat down in the driver's seat, while Charlie sat in the passenger's seat beside him. My father started the car and pulled out of the space, and then the parking lot.

We were on the way home, finally.

[End of recap]

The three of us pulled into the driveway. Charlie helped me out of the car, as my father grabbed my bags from the trunk.

Charlie opened the door for me, and followed behind me as I entered the living room.

I found Haley, Alex, Ben, and Henry all crammed onto the couch, watching the movie "Red Dawn."

"Anna! You're here!" Haley exclaimed, jumping up and coming in front of me. She hugged me, careful not to hit the crutches. I hugged her back.

"Hi Haley," I grinned.

"Save some for us!" Henry complained, pushing up from the couch, giving me a bone-crushing hug.

"Ow, Henry," I groaned, pain igniting in my abdomen.

"Henry!" Everyone yelled harshly.

Henry immediately let go, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry Anna," he said sheepishly.

"It's okay, I replied, sending him a smile.

Henry sat down, and Alex hit him in the back of the head. "I guess I deserved that," he muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

"Why don't we get some food and have a movie night?" Ben proposed.

I nodded. "Good idea."

We all went into the kitchen and dug around for snacks to eat. We pulled out chips, candy, and bottles of water for all six of us. We ordered a couple pizzas for delivery, even thought it was only four in the afternoon.

My father had  migrated upstairs, knowing we could take care of ourselves.

Alex, Ben, and Henry went about the house, bringing blankets and pillows into the living room, covering the floor.

Charlie helped me get comfortable, sitting on the ouch with him. Haley sat down on my other side. Ben and Henry were laying on the floor, surrounded by pillows and blankets. Alex was at the door, paying for the pizzas that had been ordered.

Alex walked in, carrying two pizza boxes. He set one pizza down by Ben and Henry, and set the other one on my lap. He then sat down next to Haley, and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. Haley blushed and happily complied, sliding her feet underneath her.

She looked at me, at which I raised my eyebrows, silently asking, What's going on between you too? Haley just blushed, and buried her face in Alex's shoulder. I rolled my eyes, and opened the ox of pizza sitting on my lap.

I took out a slice and then spoke. "Ben, can you put a movie in?"

"Sure, which one?"

"Let's watch Tangled!" Haley exclaimed.

"No!" Henry groaned. "Let's watch Thor."

"How about we all get to pick movies to watch," I suggested.

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