Chapter 33

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I hopped into the car and pulled out of the driveway, driving towards the hospital.

Once I arrived, I parked quickly and went up to the front desk.

"Hello, would you mind telling me where Dani Baker is?" I asked, rushed.

"And you are?" The nurse asked me.

"Close family friend," I replied.

The nurse squinted at me. "Are you sure your not family? Only family can go through right now," The nurse winked.

"I mean, yes, I am family," I quickly corrected.

"3rd floor, room 302," the nurse told me.

"Thank you," I responded genuinely.

"You're welcome," the nurse said.

I ran to the elevators, and waited for one. Once one came, it wasn't empty.

"Hey Steven," I greeted.

He looked up. "Anna? Oh hey! Haven't seen you in awhile."

"Yeah, my dad got out of the hospital about a month ago," I replied. "How's Delia?"

"She's alright. She's gotten a little better but not a lot," he explained.

"That's better than getting worse though."

"I know. Can you come visit her? I've told her about you and she wants to meet you."

"Yeah, I should be able to tonight," I smiled.

"Thank you so much," Steven sighed.

"No problem, what room is she in?"

"3rd floor, room 327," Steven answered.

"Okay, I'll be there sometime tonight," I replied.


"Yeah, no problem."

The elevator opened and we both got out. Steven headed towards Delia's room, whereas I made my way to the nurse's station.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where room 302 is?" I asked the nurse working.

"It's down that hallway," she said, pointing the hallway to her right. "Should be on the left side, second to last. It's one of the last rooms on the end of the hallway."

"Thank you," I replied.

The nurse nodded her head and I left, making my way to Dani's room.

I found her room easily. Her door was open, and I could see people moving about.

I knocked on the door gently, hoping I wouldn't wake Dani if she was sleeping.

Somebody heard the knock. They came out of the room and saw me.

"Hello Anna," Mr. Baker greeted.

"Hi Mr. Baker. How's Dani?" I asked.

"She's still asleep from the drugs. Doctor said she'd be up soon. How did you find out?"

"Charlie called me," I said quietly.

"Oh. I see... May I ask why?"

"I've gotten close to Dani while babysitting."

"Oh, alright. Would you like to come in?"

"Um... Yeah, thanks," I responded.

I followed Mr. Baker into the room. I saw Charlie standing next to the bed holding Jasper. Mrs. Baker was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, her hands in her lap, eyes downcast. Mr. Baker took his place at the foot of the bed.

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