Chapter 4: Backstage

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As you and the security guard walk backstage, you run into Shannon and Tomo gathering their instruments off the stage.

"Hey, aren't you that girl that sent in a video for our contest? J really liked yours, he was almost drooling." Shannon asks as him and Tomo started chuckling.

"Yes I am, and was he really? I'm on my way to see him backstage cause apparently he wants to talk to me for some reason" you reply nervously as you start to blush "but while i'm here, can I get a picture with you guys?"

"Anything for an Echelon. We love you guys." Says Tomo.

In the photo, Tomo has his mouth open and he's pointing at you and Shannon has his arm around your shoulder smiling.

"Thank you guys for everything. I love you." You tell them nervously.

"We love you more, and good luck with Jared." Shannon says as he winks to you.


As you arrive backstage, you immediately see Jared. Your heart feels like it's going to jump out of your chest.

"Hey Y/N!" Jared shouts as he starts walking over.

"This is not real." You mumble.

"How does he remember my name?" You thought.

"Yes it is. Anyways, what did you think of the show?" Jared says as he glares at your tattoo "Oooh I like your tattoo! We're matching"

You giggle. "The show was beyond amazing. I will never forget it."

"I'm glad. You look absolutely stunning, Y/N." Jared tells you as he puts one of his hands behind his head and smiles.

At this point, you feel like passing out. Jared Joseph freaking Leto just told you that you look stunning. You must be dreaming.

"Wait, me? Oh no, look at you. You always look absolutely fucking amazing." You tell him as you start blushing.

"Why thank you. But I bet you're always gorgeous yourself. I'd love to see you not actually try to look good."

What the actual hell. Is Jared fucking Leto saying that he wants to see you more?

"Oh trust me, If I weren't here right now, i would look like I just went dumpster diving."

Jared laughs.

You guys talk for almost an hour and a half. You talk about your interests and other things trying to get to know each other.

"Anyways, I'd love to take you out sometime. I'm able to stay in town for another month until I have to leave for my next show." Jared mentions.

"I'd enjoy that very much." You say with a big smile on your face.

"Here's my number. Let's keep in touch." Jared takes the scrap paper off of the table you guys are sitting by and writes down his number. "Also, do you need a ride home? I'm pretty sure your friend left already. I can call a cab."

You pick up your phone to see if your friend contacted you or anything to say that they're leaving, but you came to realize that your phone is dead.

"Are you sure? I don't want to trouble you. I could use the walk." You say.

"Of course. I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't come with you to make sure you get home safe." Jared says.

"Why thank you." You tell him.

Jared calls a cab while you gather all your stuff. When it arrives, you and Jared get in and you tell the driver your address. Jared puts his arm around you almost instantly.

"I loved talking to you tonight, I hope we can do this more often." Jared whispers quietly hoping the driver doesn't eavesdrop.

The sound of him whispering sends shivers down your spine.

"Me too." You reply as you rest your head on his shoulder.

Right when you're about to fall asleep, you arrive home.

"Have a good night, Y/N. Get some rest and i'll call you in the morning." Jared says with the cute smirk he always has then kisses your forehead.

"Thank you for the amazing night." You walk out of the cab.

Right away when you get into your house, you run and jump into your bed then squeal into your pillow.



Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long to update with such a short chapter. I've been so stressed over school. Now that it's summer, i'll update way more often with longer chapters after chapter five is done. I hope you're enjoying this fic so far!
Xoxo -Danna

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