Chapter 1: Sent.

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As you're laying in your bed listening to "Conquistador", you get a tweet notification from @30SECONDSTOMARS. You click on it instantly and read it. They're having a contest. You have to make a video about your goals, aspirations, and why you love the band for a chance to win a pair of tickets to a Mars concert of your choice. "This is my chance" you say to yourself. You've been waiting years to be able to see them live and this could be your chance.
"Hey mom?" you yell as you walk downstairs to the kitchen. You smell your favorite food, pasta.
"Yes Y/N?" says your mom.
"Can I borrow your camera? Mars is having a contest. You need to make a video of your goals, aspirations, and why you love Mars for a chance to win a pair of tickets to a concert of your choice." You tell her.
"Yes of course! It's in my bedroom on my dresser. Good luck sweetie." She says excitedly.
"Thank you, Mom!" You say as you walk upstairs.
When you finally get to your bedroom, you set up the tripod and camera. It finally hits you that you're actually doing this, you start panicking.
"I'm not going to win this" you tell yourself.
"There's thousands of other people participating in this, you have no chance."
You start procrastinating for the next hour and a half.
Once you finally realize that this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, you turn on the camera and start talking.
"Hello, my name is Y/N and I live in (YourCity, Yourstate.) My goals and aspirations are to be able to work in the music industry. I love writing music. It's probably one of my only hobbies other than listening to Mars" you say as you wink, "Music is such a beautiful form of art, and that brings me to why I genuinely love Mars. Mars's music is a lifesaver. Their music has gotten me through the toughest times from panic attacks, to a family member dying, and even just calming me down when i'm stressed out because of school assignments. Their music can cheer me up instantly. Their music makes me happy in a way that no other songs could. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo care so much about the echelon, unlike any other artist. They've created such an amazing fanbase, i'm beyond blessed to be a part of it. I could talk for hours about how much I love Mars but I think i'm going to end it here considering this video is already pretty long. Jared, Shannon, and Tomo, if you're seeing this, I genuinely love you and i'll forever be an echelon. Bye!"
"Wow" you say, "I can't believe I just did that."
"Y/N!" Your mom yells, "It's time for dinner!"
You rush downstairs.
As soon as you're finished eating, you put your dish in the sink and run back upstairs. You take the SIM card out of the camera and stick it in your laptop so you can edit your video. You edit a few parts out where you messed up, add quiet background music, and put in a black & white filter so you don't look as bad.
Once you're finished, you send the video to your phone. You go back to Mars's tweet and click on the link you have to submit the video onto.
"Well Y/N, it's time." You say to yourself. You start filling your information that's needed for the contest. You finish with that then you go to your camera roll and select the video. You start to have an anxiety attack for some odd reason before clicking submit, then you finally gain the confidence to do it.
The following screen says "Sent."

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