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December 25, 2018

Hey! Its me again, haha I swear i promise myself to write in this but i guess i just get caught up in my treatment and all the fun stuff. And i bet you are wondering what has happened between me and Alex lately right?

Well I hate to tell you but legit nothing, I swear I miss everything up. He we just asking for my name and I make myself look like a crazy person. Well it's christmas today so hopefully i get to see him at the chistmas hospital thingie they are having. I even heard they are going to have chicken. I haven't had that in a long while.

I did get a christmas gift from my step-dad, he got me a signed copy of one of my favorite books, "The Fault In Our Stars".

Oh wait, I did get to see Alex last month at the thanksgiving dinner. Family was welcome to come but none of mine showed up. But that's ok I bet they had a really good dinner back at home.

Well thats it for now, not a lot has happened lately. I still miss Finn, a lot. But I've gotten used to it by now.


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