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July 13, 2018

Hey, its Meredith!... again. Haha ok well a lot happened since the last time i wrote in this! First my old homeschool teacher Mr.roberts really came to my Sweet-16!

Still dates but who care i get to meet them before i die! I also found a boy, his name is alex! He has cystic fibrosis too, haha don't tell anyone but the only bad part about that is that i can't kiss him haha.

 But I have made myself a promise that i will kiss him before I die. Even if it kills me, I would want to die happy right? Life has been a little harder to breathe thought lately though. I had coughed up something gross earlier but I'm used to it.

 Ok well i have to go, it's time to replace my nasal cannula. Yep that basically describes my life, ok now bye!

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