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I woke up to my little man Jack 4yrs old jumping on me in bed. J" Wake up mummy, breakfast time" ME" Im up. What would you like, pancakes" J" Yes please" ME" Ok let's go".

I cooked him pancakes and lent against the counter drinking my coffee as I watched him eat them. I was thinking of how lucky I was to have him in my life.

About five years ago I was in an accident I got a pritty bad blow to the head. When I woke up I had no memory of my life or the people in it, not even myself. That was also when I found out that I was at least a month pregnant. After a long process of trusting people I became good. My motor skill were still good, and I could still do things like read, write and general everyday stuff.

ME" Ok time to shower and get dressed, then off to the Zoo" J" Yay". It was the first time in ages that it wasn't a struggle to get him ready. I grabbed my camera and we were off.

We arrived at the Zoo early so we could see everything, and not have to deal with a large crowd. We went threw to see the snakes and lizards first, because the other animals would still be waking up or eating breakfast in a hidden nook away from view.

We entered and Jack was amazed, he loved how he could get up close and they couldn't touch him. " How cool is that". A man's voice said from behind me. I jumped and held onto my chest. J" It's pritty good" " Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I'm Shannon" ME" I know, charlie". I shook his hand and stopped myself from jumping on him and having a fangirl moment. S" You have a nice smile". Oh crap I had the biggest smile, I tried to get rid of it but couldn't. ME" Thank you" S" And what's your name" J" Jack, I love your drumming" S" Oh thanks buddy" J" I love drumming too, Santa got me drums for Christmas" S" That's awesome. So what animals have you seen so far here" J" None" ME" We only just got here" S" Me too. Would you mind if I joined you. The others are catching up with me soon, but I would love company, and to see this place threw a childs eye's. " ME" The other's" S" You know Jared and Tomo " ME" Oh, well I don't mind, and Jack will be upset if you go. He's your biggest fan" S" Really, and you" ME" I'm a fan of your work" S" And me" ME" I don't know you" S" Yet". He held Jack's hand and we walked threw the rest of the cave looking building.

Once we got outside it was bright from being in there. S" Wow" ME" What's wow" S" You". ME" Wow you look bad or..." S" Most definitely not bad" I blushed. We kept walking and saw the monkey's next.

S" The other's should be here soon" ME" Is that your way of saying your leaving soon" S" Oh no, im staying with you two all day" ME" Really, and what makes you think we want you all day". He went down on one knee and put on a pouty face next to Jack S" Do you want Jack to get upset cause I'm gone" ME" Oh us the kid". He gave me a cheeky smile, then we moved to the next cage. ME" I think that will be ok". We gave each other a smile and look to say that it was going to happen anyway.

J" Mummy look. It's Jared and Homo". Shannon started laughing. ME" Baby it's Tomo" J" Oops sorry" T" That's ok buddy" JL" Hi". Jared shook my hand with a big smile on his face. JL" It's been a while" S" What, you know her" JL" Not as much as you do". Shannon and I looked at each other with confusion. S" What does that mean" JL" You mean you don't remember, you only spent like 3 whole days in bed together" ME" When" JL" Um about 5 years ago or so" ME" Oh" S" How am I ment to remember that. Do you know how many girls I slept with back then" ME" I feel so special right now" S" I'm sorry I didn't..." ME" It's fine Shannon, I understand. I just wish I could remember" S" Me too". We looked at each other, we were trying not to make it clear to each other that we were imaging each other naked.

JL" It will come back to you" ME" No I've tryed that, it doesn't" JL" Well not straight away. Maybe over the course of the day". I wanted to tell them but let it go, I didn't want to ruin Jack's day with that stuff. We carried on Jack loved every moment. Shannon and I would talk to each other as we moved between animals. Jack and Shannon were getting on really well. I couldn't help but smile at them together Jared noticed.

JL" They look cute together, and so do you two also" ME" Jack loves Shannon, he is his favouite musician" JL" And you" ME" You guy's are my favorite band. Well equal with Muse" JL" I can handle that. There awesome".

S" Ok Jack's hungry we should get lunch" ME" Yes, then we can feed the duck's" J" Oh yes". Shannon and Jack walked hand in hand to the food stalls, they looked very similar. An elderly lady walked past them and turned to her husband and said " His little boy is so cute, looks just like him".

I froze on the spot to that comment. Then quickly snapped out of it. Shannon took Jack to get food with Tomo, I got a table with Jared. ME" So Jared because you remember everything, how long ago exactly did Shannon and I spend those nights together". He told me the exact date and year, his memory is amazing.

I sat there in silence for a few minutes. JL" Are you ok" ME" Um, that's ruffly the time I fell pregnant with Jack". Jareds eye's went wide. JL" What. How come your only just saying it now. You must of known back then". His voice got loud people were starting to stare. We saw the others coming back. JL" We will talk about this later". He said in my ear making me shived with how angry he sounded.

We eat our meals not talking a lot cause of what just happened. T" Ok let's feed the duck's" JL" Tomo how about you do that with Jack, I need to talk to Shannon and Charlie" T" Ok let's go buddy". As soon as they left I could feel Jared giving me an evil stare. S" What is going on" JL" Ask Charlie" S" Charlie spill". I looked at my feet trying to get it out right. ME" Ok, but I'm not evil like you think I am" JL" We'll see".

I told them the story with the added part of when Shannon and I were together. Jared hugged me instantly. JL" I'm so sorry I'm an asshole please forgive me" ME" Jared calm down it's ok, you didn't know" JL" Yeah but I assumed". We both stopped talking realizing that Shannon was hearing that Jack could be his for the first time.

He stood up and looked at Jack so did Jared. JL" Fuck he really does look like a mini you" S" Yeah" JL" We need to get a test done bro, ASAP". Shannon looked at me then walked up to me. S" I'm sorry you had to go threw what you did. But I would like a DNA test" ME" So do I. But for Jack can we deal with this later" S" Of course".

We had a good day lots of laughs. Jack was so tired he fell asleep in Shannon's arms, they looked so similar. Shannon helped me get Jack in the car. S" So here's my number call me tomorrow? " ME" Yeah I will". We said our good byes till the next day, when all the fun really starts

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