Married At Twenty-Two

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   I collapsed on the coach as Pete handed me my mission files.If this mission doesn't kill me,the paperwork will,I thought happily thinking of my death.

 I stared at the thick files in my hand and glanced at Austin as he flipped through the replica in his hands. Stron han- no no no no,I didn't come back to become a hormonal teen,but they are kinda strong, I mused.

"Well,"began Pete,"For this mission,Agents Slade and Kane will be flying over to a small town in Arizona."

     I stared at the pictures of an undoubtfully beautiful area surronded by trees and flowers and hills.What could possibly go wrong in a place like this,I thought,as I stared at the pictures of childern running around and parent having PDA on the sidewalks.Then again,dont underestimate,wasnt one of my rules for nothing.

      "Don't be fooled,"Pete scorned,"This area is known to have the biggest drug population and gangs,of course during the day,things are all sunshine and unicorns,but at night is when the people show their true colors," Pete said almost sadly.I wasn't fooled, Pete didn't have any feelings,he probably didn't even know what sadness was.

  "Now,The Agency,wants you two,"Pete said slowly taking time to slowly stare at us.I simply rolled my eyes and crossed my legs together as I waited for hin to continue.I began picking lint off my shirt .

    "You two will be posing as a...a um....newly wed couple,"Pete said nervously.I stopped mid-pick of a poor piece of lint to look up at Pete.

    The only things running through my head was a flashback of Aaron's face as he cried in my arms,the bulge in his pocket carrying the ring that would have changed my sister's life. She was supposed to be married,not me,she was supposed to start a family and settle down in a nice small area,not me. She deserved this life,not me even if it was fake.At least I was being given the oppurtunity. I slowly snapped out of my thoughts to see that the four men that made my life hell and were sure to continue, staring at me.

   I simply flipped them the bird and went back to my thoughts. My sister was suppos- I was again broken out my thoughts to hear a deep chuckle.My head snapped up to meet Johnson's eyes. I didn't even know his first name. I stared intently analyzing him.I didn't know a lot about him.Not family,friends,girlfriends,kids,home,past,nothing. I had so many resources yet I never seemed to realise till now that he had a life outside of the agency.

     Had I really been that absorbed with my own life that I didn't even bother to find out about the man  who put his life on the line everyday being our-my back-up. I looked up to see Pete looking a bit uncomfortable.

     I nodded,my eyes widening in annoyance,the sign to continue. He cleared his throat, "Alright I don't mean to be blunt,'' Pete continued smirking at me,"but I don't know what your gonna do,but your look needs to,"he said trying to break it to me softly.He quickly forgot that idea with his next sentence,"You look like hell,"he blurted. "Must I remind you that I have the ability to send you to hell,"I replied back in a monotone letting my hand fall casually to my gun. He simply stared at me.And stared.And stared.

     "Do they know?''he asked still analyzing me. I felt my body visibly stiffen as I turned to look away for him to stare at the other guys."No,"I whispered softly but firmly.My parents didn't need to know that I was returing to the place that killed my sister.They wouldn't let me,then again I'd broken off all contact from them a long time ago so the chances of them finding out were very low.

    But theyre still agents.WERE,I correcteed myself,old habbits die hard as I thought to the previous day.I wouldn't put it past them to already know.

   Pete  nodded slowly,a smile stretching on his face,"That's my girl and that is why your so good,''he explained.

"What's that supposed to mean,"I replied bitterly.

"Sneaky,trustless,easy liar,cunning,cold,cruel,fair,bithcy,"he listed continuing. "He's right you know," a voice broke in.I glanced around even though I already knew who said it. I looked at Damen,extra careful to keep my face blank even though I was crying with hurt inside.He thought I was cold and bithcy. "You would have known sooner,that is if you finally got your hands out of your pants and decided to pick up a phone,"I said cooly in exchange to his comment.Even as a former agent,rumors still went on how Damen Lawrence couldn't keep his dick in his pants.

     "Wil-,"he started reaching for me.I pulled my hand to my chest as I cut him off,"Hey watch it,I don't wanna catch any STD's,"I yelled furiously.I might have been mad,but for the first time in years I let emotion flow in my words. Hurt and anger and betrayal coated my words as I thought of the long sleepless nights when I needed him and he was too busy fucking something, to call.

     "I agreed to the mission,and I'm gonna myself,"I said glancing at Pete humoresly.He shrugged and shooed my out. "Can I have a word with you Johnson,"I asked.His eyes snapped to me as he nodded slowly.

    I nodded to Damen and turned to wink to Austin as I walked out of the room with Agent Johnson.

    I turned to face him as I shut the door. "What's do,''I was cut off as Johnson's voice chuckled.

" Seth," he chuckled. Seth Johnson.and for the first time I glanced at Johnson's right hand. A gold band sat on his ring finger. He never wore that to missions,I may have been uncaring but I wasn't stupid. "When?'' I croaked.

"Last year," he said gently. I missed his wedding. Why didn't he invite me....I missed the most important day of his life.Why couldnt they have called me,I would have shown,sure dragged my ass out of bed crying and looking like hell,but I still would have been there.Unless they didn't want me there.I wasn't an agent,I didn't go to there standards.My eyes hardened and my eyes snapped up as a warm hand came to contact to my shoulder.

     "We tried but Pete said it had to be small,no former agents or normal people,"he explainmed seemingly reading my anger from my eyes. I nodded still angered but happy that they...wait....they....that means.Damen wanted me to come to.I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I turned to leave.

     I walked down about 5 steps before I turned again to look at Johnson. "What's her name?"I asked suddenly curious.His eyes lit up loved her,I could see it. I nodded seeing he was distracted and walked down the hall.

    As I walked,ready to turn down a corner,I heard it. "Isabelle,"he said.I didn't know if he could see it,but I smiled all the way to the gym doors. In the light of all that happened at least I knew someone had found love in this god forsaken world.Unlike my parents,as my thougths turned to their divorce 3 years ago.Time to phone home,I thought with fake cheeriness. Oh hey mom,I missed you and oh did I metion I got married.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 19, 2012 ⏰

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