5th Encounter: [Rhythms Embers]

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This next character is Cynthia Rhythms by my friend Seolyric (can be found on Youtube).


Recovery ultimo (having really impenetrable skin and can recover from any internal damage )

The Volcan Maximo
(After long periods of battle and the more angry she gets or have moments where she takes too much damage she can go in rage mode to where she becomes a sadist and destroys anything in sight with a single hit with a burning rage )

Shiva negativo:
When in extremely cool climates she can move really fast to the point of being invisible to the naked eye and can as well lower her body temperature to the point of camouflaging into any environment

Kind and usually trying to be positive about everything but in battle she becomes a cold hearted assassin to the point that she doesn't care how badly they're hurt, especially if they've tried doing something terrible. Also she's a sadist when it comes to her enemies

Short backstory summary:
Seeing her family die at a young age from a group of European terrorists called Rojo Gracia
She was raised by her father's best friend and he mentored her in to all types martial arts and stealth.

She then fought against the leader of the sudicide girls and got beat to a pulp. She was taken in by a mysterious Doctor that operated extreme test on her making her into a living ultimate weapon she can control at will.

Her Dislikes: Usually just things that are morally wrong and people who are just tools

Feats: She managed to lift an entire military boat with just her bare hands and tossing it miles away from the country while in her Valcon Maximo

Managed to take on ultimo, the strongest demon from Demovania and only come out with a nose bleed and a few bruises

Survived being nuked and napalm striked on an unknown island and survived with the only thing that come off was the clothes on her skin, and then tossed the second nuke back at the air born strike helicopters while in the air

Weaknesses: Her weakness is that she is still basically human , even though she can't really die , she still needs the necessities a human needs like eating sleeping and resting and when she doesn't she gets knocked out more easily

And sometimes gets too stubborn and jumps in to battles too quickly and sometimes fall for traps out of being stubborn

And even when in Her Shiva or Volcan mode, she can't really control when to turn it off so she just goes on a week long rampage until she actually calms down and when she does, she can't move at all for an entire day after extremely long use. As in if she was using it for a month 

Her opponent will be my own Cynthia Embers. Introduced as Katie's oldest sister, this will be the first encounter Cynthia has in these entries.

Name: Cynthia Rose/Embers

Powers: Cynthia can cause electricity to burst from any part of her body, having incredible mastery of the element. She has inhuman speed and reflexes, allowing her to give a merciless assault to any unprepared. Being incredibly aggressive and strong, not many can fight Cynthia directly as she can be unpredictable. She isn't afraid to fight dirty either, and will use any tactic to win.

Background: Cynthia was Lilith's first daughter and immediately the strongest. At the age of 4, Cynthia could already defend herself against monsters. A vampire had snuck into her home and she knocked it out with a vase. Despite being favored by her mother, she greatly detested Lilith because of how horribly she treat her sisters. She developed a sort of rebel girl personality, refusing to obey anything her mother told her. She would be the only one to protect Katie from Isabella's harsh training, always asking her sister, "Are you trying to teach her how to kick some ass or rip her head off?" Despite her wild and rough attitude, Cynthia always treated Isabella and Katie equally. She disapproved of how cruel Isabella was, but also sympathized why she acted that way.

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