Chapter 2: Uh-Oh Part Two

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“No, no. I just meant I hope you do well with taking care of the baby, that's all," Bruce said quickly while turning a bit green.

“Lady Olivia, Dr. Banner, please, calm yourselves. It is not good for your health nor the baby's," Loki said while stepping between the two and taking the baby from Bruce.

Unfortunely, this made the receding color on Bruce increase even more.

“You're damn right it's not good for my health!" Bruce exclaimed shoving Loki out of the way while turning greener by the second.

“Don't push him! He's only trying to help!" Olivia yelled back, pieces of her clothing starting to singe off.

“Well, he sure did a great job with that by bringinging a BABY here!!!" he yelled, his clothes tearing and going full hulk-mode.


The guys were just about to walk into the living room when they heard the sound of a baby crying,. an all too familiar roar and saw a ball of fire pass by.

“Oh you've got to be kidding me," Tony remarked examining a hulk-sized hole in the wall and small trail of fire leading in the same direction, “there used to be a wall right there! Ugh, J.A.R.V.I.S., set up an appointment with my contractor for later."

“Certainly, sir."

To get his mind off the wall, Tony turned and finally noticed that Thor and Loki were standing there covered in debri and looking a bit shocked from what just happened a few seconds ago.

“Reindeer games, Point Break! Good to see you again. What's this I hear about a souvenir?"

“Stark, shouldn't we be going after the Hulk and Fira?" Steve asked him worriedly.

“What? The Big Guy and Sparks? Nah, they can handle themselves," he replied casually, “So, Rock of Ages what'cha got there?"

“Man of Iron! Captain of America! Eye of Hawk! It is good to see you all, as well!" Thor boomed happily, “Although, I agree with the Captain. Should we not go and protect the Midgardians from the wrath of Hulk and Fira?"

“Ugh, fine! Avengers assemble. Again," Tony said lazily.


After they found Bruce lying unconcious in a Hulk-sized crater, and some clothes for him, they went to go find Olivia.

“Where do you think she is?" Cap asked.

“I dunno, let's just follow the trail of charred objects," Clint answered.

“Captain! We have found Lady Olivia!" Thor exclaimed happily.

“I got this guys," Natasha said, sprinting past everyone,“ Uh, she's awake! Umm...but she's naked," Nat said returning to the group.

Cap turned pink and everyone else just looked slightly uncomfortable. The group was standing there looking around not knowing what to say, until....

“Well, we're too far from any of the shops to get clothes for her, " Clint suddenly said, breaking the awkward silence.

“Stark, can't you just fly to one and pick up some clothes?" Nat asked him.

“Um, no. I don't do shopping, especially for women. Just ask Pepper. She'll tell you how much I hate shopping," he replied.

“Well, she either comes out naked or one of us goes back to her some clothes," Clint suggested.

“Do any of you mortals not know how to treat a lady?" Loki asked, clearly appalled by the mens behavior.


   Loki walked past the group, who were all feeling a bit embarrassed, and went to where Olivia was hiding.

“Lady Olivia, I-"

“Loki?! What the hell-?!"

“Just calm down-"

“What?! No! I-"

“Olivia, please, I'm-"

“God damn it, Loki! I'm naked! Go-!"

“Well, I AM a god so..."


NO! I am trying to help and you are acting like a child!"

  The rest of the Avengers were standing a few feet away silently listening in on their not-so-private conversation when they heard the rustling of fabric and footsteps quickly heading in their direction.

   Olivia emerged from her hiding space looking very disgruntled with Loki's cape tightly wrapped around her.

“Don't talk to me. Don't look at m-"

She stopped and and turned suddenly to the group, looking at them as though trying to find what was missing.

“Where is she?" She demanded, turning to Loki, who was barely returning to his previous place in the group.

“Where's who?" Clint asked, confused.

“The baby, you twit," she answered, glaring at him briefly.

“The infant is with Lady Pepper," said Thor, answering her previous question.

“Are we just going to stand here playing 20 Questions? Or can I go home now?"  Tony asked annoyed.

Olivia, still a little upset, answered him,

“Fine," she said annoyed too, “Just to keep you from whining," she muttered quietly, rolling her eyes at him.

They started walking away when Cap spoke up,


They all turned around, Tony groaned still annoyed that he was being kept longer.

“Oh, what now?!" Tony whined.

“Olivia and Bruce should promise that they won't get mad at each other and almost destroy the city. Again," he stated seriously.

“Ugh, fine!" Tony turned around to face Olivia and Bruce.

“Alright you two, kiss and make up so I can go home already," he said quickly in hopes it would make things go faster.

“Fine," they mumbled turning to shake each other's hand.

See?! They made up! Can we leave now?!"

Looking a bit uncertain at the pair, Cap just nodded,

“Alright, let's go."

With that, Tony's mask flipped back on his face as he rocketed into the air towards Avengers Tower.

“Asshole," Clint muttered as everyone else started walking home.

As everyone was walking, Thor turned to Natasha,

"I do not understand. Why did they not kiss?"

Natasha just answered him, too tired to even roll her eyes.

"It's an expression, Thor."

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