Chapter 2: Uh Oh Part One

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The sun was beginning to set when Tony, Clint, and Steve got back from their mission. Bruce arrived a few hours ago from the lab, working on one of the many experiments that he and Tony started (and had trouble finishing), while Natasha was in the shooting range that is located in the training room.

J.A.R.V.I.S. greeted the group of men as they gathered in the elevator, wanting to eat dinner and go to sleep after battling yet another villain trying to "take over the world". 

It was a rather small threat.

"Sir, Thor and Loki have returned from Asgard with quite an unusual souvenir," the A.I. stated.

"What kind of souvenir, J.A.R.V.I.S.?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to see for yourself, sir. They are in the living quarters with Ms. Olivia and Dr. Banner."

"Alright then, this way gentlemen," Tony said walking towards the living room.

*Meanwhile in the living room*

"So, let me get this straight. You and Loki decided to bring a baby here, just so we could raise her?" Dr. Banner asked skeptically.

"Precisely. That is what I have been telling you, or is your Midgardian mind too simple to understand the most basic of things?" Loki questioned snidely.

"Brother, do no jest with the Doctor's wit. It is a most unwise thing to do," Thor warned him.

"It's alright, Thor. I've been called worse," the doctor said reassuringly, "So, Olivia, you're actually okay with this?" he asked his fellow anger-management buddy.

"Well, yeah. Why not?" she shrugged, "They have no where else to take her and they can't take care of her themselves," she stated, nodding her head towards Thor and Loki.

"Well, you're not wrong there," Bruce mumbled quietly, "and I guess I'll help, too. I mean, if the baby gets sick or anything."

"Of course, thank you Bruce," Olivia said, happy for another pair of helping hands.

"No problem. Do you mind if...I hold...her...?" he asked her, gesturing towards the baby.

"No, not at all," she said, "Aw, she seems to like you Bruce. Looks like someone loves their Uncle Bwucey!" she said in a sing-song voice that everyone uses when talking to a baby.

"Really Olivia? Uncle Brucey?" he chuckled, holding the baby.

"Yes, Uncle Brucey just like Nat is Auntie Tasha," she stated matter-of-factly.

"And what about you? Are you Auntie Olly?" Bruce asked jokingly.

Thor and Loki were watching with amused faces at the two "Most likely to get angry and smash or fry you", members of the team arguing like siblings.

"Ha,ha! No, I'm apparently the baby's adoptive mother now," she said a bit more seriously.

"Really? Wow...well, good luck with that," Bruce said a bit shocked.

"What do you mean 'good luck with that'?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"You don't think that I can take care of a baby?"

To be continued.....

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