Chapter 16

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Natsu's POV

That bad feeling I felt a week ago has intensified so much that it actually hurts. I still have no idea what's happening though. I tried to convince Erza to let me leave early so I could figure it out, but I think you can all guess how that turned out. I still get goosebumps just thinking about it. Anyways finally we're going back to the guild and I can try and fix what's going on.

After breakfast, and some time for Erza to repack all of the stuff she brought with, we head back up the trail we first came down. Aside from Elfman who had left camp an hour prior. The conversation is light as we walk and I fold my arms behind my head so I can soak up more of the sun.

"Natsu!" I hear someone call out, breaking the peace. I immediately become alert and easily spot Gray running towards us.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?" I question curiously then look at Erza, "I thought you said no one knew about this place?"

"No one is supposed to." She replies curtly and also looks at Gray in confusion.

"Makarov told me where you were, but that's not important!" Gray says between light pants for air, "Lucy was taken by a dragon!"

"What?!" I roar and clench my fists, about to punch him in the face for letting this happen. But Erza stops me by placing a hand on my shoulder.

"We'll get her back Natsu," she says calmly before turning her attention back to the ice freak. "How exactly did Lucy get taken?"

"She was outside training with me while Lily and Levy were training elsewhere. Then suddenly there was a huge cloud of smoke coming out of the trees near us. And before either one of us could do something the smoke had already swallowed her and she was taken." Gray recounts, alittle too at ease for my tastes.

"But how did you know it was a dragon?"

"Well for one the smoke kind of gave it away, but also after it took her I heard a low growl." He clarifies making Erza hum.

"Very well, I'll talk to Master when we get back, but for now there is nothing we can do. So we must stay calm and level minded. Got it, Natsu?" Erza declares in her commanding voice and her grip tightens on my shoulder.

"Ow! Fine, yes!" I yelp and pull away before rubbing the spot.

"I don't believe you, Gray, keep an eye on him at all times." She says after rolling her eyes.

"I can do that, looks like you're stuck with me, Flame brain" Gray smirks and elbows me.

"Go choke on an ice sickle." I grunt and start walking again, vaguely hearing a whine from behind me.

"Oh c'mon don't be like that! You know you don't really hate me!" He complains while slinging an arm over my shoulders.

I whirl on him and pin him with a glare. "You allowed my mate get taken away, I hate you more than you will ever know." Snarling I turn back around and continue trekking up the path.

"I didn't mean to let her go! We both froze!" He calls and runs to catch up, "I didn't know what was happening until it happened, I'm sorry!"

"You should be sorry, that doesn't mean I'm going to ever forgive you." I say through gritted teeth.

"B-but..." Gray starts, but I cut him off with another glare.


The rest of the walk is filled with his useless apologies. For the most part I tune it out, but that is until we get on the ship back to home.

I've honestly never have hated my motion sickness more.

The entire time Gray thought it was a great idea to tend to me, like I'm wounded or something. And with me being practically incapacitated, I couldn't stop him from doing so. Erza on the other hand seemed to think that this was the best thing she's ever seen.

"You two are so cute." She coos and rests her elbows on the table she's at before putting her chin in her hands.

Gray smiles brightly while I can do nothing, but groan in agony.

Gray's POV

Okay... So this isn't exactly going how I wanted it to, but it's understandable. I still don't get it though, I had Natsu first, why did he choose Lucy over me? That's not fair.

But I guess that's life.

All in all I'm just happy they bought my story, they don't suspect a thing. Although, who really would? I'm one of the most trusted members of the guild. Those idiots.

Smiling to myself I kneel down next to Natsu, who had long passed out from exhaustion and pain, and begin playing with his soft pink locks. Now with Lucy out of the way I can have him all to myself, all of him. The one person I've wanted for so long will finally be mine.

And all I had to do was make a deal with a dragon.

I honestly don't know why I ended up making Gray one of the bad guys, but the damage is done. Anyways it's a short chapter, but it's all to prepare for the end of it all.

Until next time, bye!!

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