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Prompt: Clarke learns of Bellamy's new relationship with Echo and is FURIOUS. she tries to hide it but instead lashes out and let's her true feelings be known.

It's been several months since primfaya has welcomed its way into the world. Skaikru won the conclave, allowing them into the bunker first. Ice nation was next, and from there, the trikru people who wished for peace.

In the bunker there were two different types of sleeping chambers. A room with two beds for two individuals, or a slightly smaller room with a single bed made for a couple. These rooms were nothing extravagant, just enough for everyone to get by. To survive. Getting into the bunker was one thing, finding a roommate was another. Clarke's mother Abby was with Kane in their own room. Monty and Harper shared a room with Jasper, no one trusted him to be alone. Murphy and Emori. Raven and Luna. Octavia and Niylah, she was teaching her about herbal medicine. Miller and Jackson. Indra and Gia. King Roan and Echo. So on and so forth. Bellamy and Clarke decided it was best if they shared a room. They seemed to be the ones running things anyway and best friends. No one thought anything about it. Well, Clarke didn't think anything of it.

Of course everyone knew Bellamy was in love with Clarke. There was no way around it. He praised every step she took and was her biggest cheerleader.

By now everyone was finally settled into the bunker. Getting accustomed to a new everyday life. Clarke, Roan, Kane and Indra were all working together to ensure the safety of their people. Making plans for the future when they would finally be able to open the doors back to Polis. Bellamy was always by Clarke's side. Octavia at Indra's, as her second. Echo watching everyone so deliberately that if someone were to as much look at Roan the wrong way she would have them in a head lock. And of course, beside Kane was Abby.

During the weekdays, they held 'council' meetings where they discussed the future of the three clans that had come together. Thankful to ice nation, they supplied food, enough for all three clans to survive on rationing. It was hard, but it was life, and it was better than nothing. Raven, Monty and Jackson were working on finding a way to make nightblood down underneath the ground. Abby was working on finding a way to fix ravens brain before she went completely brain dead. Each day became riskier and riskier. Harper and Niylah were in charge of food distribution and rationing. Echo and Octavia were teaching the children how to fight and become warriors however, had supervision. The idea was not to kill. Luna taught the children the history and helped them with their literacy. Everyone had their own job and so far, so good.

Everyone was finally beginning to enjoy themselves. And for the first time since Skaikru landed on earth, they were able to breathe. There was no fighting, well, except for Jasper bickering with every other person he came into contact with.

"How's it going?" Clarke walked up to the trading post. Something feeling so familiar when Niylah turned around, a soft smile on her face.

Niylah nodded, "how is our high and mighty savour Wanheda."

Clarke rolled her eyes, planting a light kiss at Niylah's lips. "How is rationing going? Any problems that I should be aware of?"

She chuckles. "Oh Clarke, please stop worrying. We are safe now. You wanted us to be safe. We are, just enjoy life for a moment. Please?"

"I don't think I'm capable of that feeling." Clarke shakes her head, "wanheda remember?" Niylah nods.

"Ready to go?" She offers, taking Clarke's hand in hers. Here, in the bunker, mimicked a close resemblance to the ark. They may have been used to being contained, but it didn't mean they liked it. Some skaikru even stayed behind at the ark, to live out their final days until they melted from the radiation. No one spoke of it. The young people of the bunker came up with some games to keep themselves entertained. Bingo was one of them and Niylah was leading it tonight.

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