Chapter 17: You Flirt With Me, I flirt Back

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"So how was it?" Justine asked with anticipation. "Was it good? Or was it out of this world?"

"Oh my god, Justine!!" Serena shrieked as she fanned herself with her hand. She was so not talking about this right now. It was one thing for your best friend to find out that you're not a virgin anymore and as embarrassing as that was, Serena didn't think she could handle spilling all the naughty deeds she had engaged in.

"Sooooo, tell me tell me," Justine grabbed Serena's arm and tugged. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how good was the sex?"

Serena almost choked on her own breath. She was sure the blush on her cheeks were going to be a permanent fixture. Just thinking about River was enough to get her body humming with part need and part bliss. But with Justine's hounding causing Serena to remember every sordid details with such vibrancy turned her into a pile of blushing, needing mess.

Clearing her throat as a way to gain some semblance of herself, Serena mentally shook her head. She really had to stop blushing or at least be able to control it, otherwise Serena was sure she was going to find herself in this situation very often. "I- I don't think a scale of 1 to 10 could account for or even do justice to how amazing it was."

"Not that I have much to compare to," Serena quickly added when Justine eyes sparkled and her mouth parted open like a kid on Christmas day. 

"OOhhhh that good, huh!"

"Yes, that good and I'm done talking about this," Serena quickly interjected before Justine could ask anything else.

"Oh come on Serena," Justine pouted, "You have got to give me more than that. I need details."

"Nope. No details."

"Okay fine. I'll stop asking for now if you tell me just one more thing."

Serena stared at Justine nervously whom had that mischievous look that said she'll find out one way or another. If not today, then tomorrow.

"How many orgasms did River bestow upon you?" And with that Serena did choke on her breath. Figured if Serena wasn't going to die happy from all the pleasure River had drawn from her then surely by the embarrassment soon to follow when one of her best friend would pry her for details.

"You have got to be kidding me," Serena squeaked. Is it me or is it getting hot in here? And when Justine raised an eyebrow victoriously at Serena, she knew there was no getting out of this.

"I don't know," Serena said truthfully. Not that she was counting but River had made her body sing in pleasure one too many times that her mind was too blurred to even remember her own name.

"What? You mean you didn't cu-" Justine was cut off when Serena shook her head vigorously as heat glowed on her face once again. "Ohhhhh" Justine giggled with realization. "You mean he made you cum so many times that you lost count."

"Well that's one way to say it. Yes," Serena piped and unconsciously ran a hand down her shirt, smoothing away the non-existent wrinkles. All this attention and this particular topic almost had her ventilating. But with small breaths every now and then, Serena was glad that she was handling it as it is.

And from now on, no matter what happens, or how big or small the matter will be, Serena will take it one step at a time. Starting with this.

"Oh you lucky girl," Justine nudged Serena teasingly before standing up and swayed and swiveled her hips. "You must have had a really good time, doing the naked dance with River."

Serena couldn't help but laugh out loud watching Justine purposely dancing sensually. "Yes. I am one lucky girl." And with that Serena pulled out her phone to put on a song and joined Justine as they danced like two little crazy chicks.

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