Chapter 12: A Step Further

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Mature scene ahead

Oh shit.

Eyeing Lynn whom was walking in his direction, River felt an itch of irritation pricking at his skin. The first thought that crossed his mind was that she was now resorting to stalking him. He found it all too pathetic really. All this time after breaking up, Lynn had vanished out of his sight for the most part— which River was glad— and she had never once attempted to make an effort to talk to him— no less apologize for cheating, and now that words have gotten around that River was taken, she had been making regular appearances in his life.

Blasphemous words lined up at the tip of his tongue, waiting to be released and the need to hold Serena burned stronger with each passing second. Seeing Lynn in the same vicinity as Serena brought on a protective streak and River's feet moved with purpose, with the sole intent to barricade Serena from the scrutiny that would surely be shot her way under Lynn's perusal. His reaction was unquestionable as the neurons firing his movement bypassed his brain. The people around all faded in the distant as River jotted towards Serena, cruising his arm around her and hoarding her slender figure into his broader frame.

Serena looked up, surprised by River's sudden movement. Seeing his jaw taut and a lividness dancing subtlety in his eyes, Serena reached out in confusion. Did something happen? Serena gently touched River's jawline, concern laced with every caress of her fingertips.

"What's wrong, River?"

Snapping down to Serena, River let out a small laugh of relief upon seeing the frown on her face, making her look delectably cute. With the softness of her touch trailing his jaw, River basked in her touch, leaning into her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Just saw someone I didn't want to see. But I'm good now," River lowered his head right next to her ear as he slowly slid his hands up and down the arc of her back. "Great, actually. As long as you're with me, nothing else really matters."

Serena narrowed her eyes before closing for a moment too long as a slight shiver shuddered down her spine. This guy loved getting her riled up, knowing all too well about her uncontrollable reaction whenever he touched her. Tease. Serena opened her eyes and crooked an eyebrow, "Nice change of subject. I'll let it pass this time."

"What are you talking about," River smirked as innocently as he possibly could with his signature lost puppy look gleaming in his eyes.

Serena let out a huff of disbelief and yet couldn't help but beam at River with a shake of her head. Seeing Serena smile will always make River's heart swell with happiness and pride knowing it was him that was the cause of her sweet smile. And River knew that he would go to no length to protect that smile.

River looked back at Lynn whom had stopped in her tracks and was talking animatedly to the companion who occupied her attention. Taking a closer look, River couldn't help but noticed the change in himself. She might have left him in shambles but breaking his heart was the best thing that could have ever happened to him. Because it had brought him to Serena.

Glancing between his beloved in his arms and his former ex, eyes shuffling between the two, River felt drawn back as he noticed the difference. Seeing them in the same space was an eye opener if River hadn't already felt so.

It was then that River realized that he'd never really loved Lynn. Not the way it should. Not the way he loves Serena. What he once thought was love, was not truly love. It was merely infatuation. Purely physical attraction. And River felt like an idiot for allowing his 'lower head' to manipulate his 'upper head' into thinking she was the one. Yes, he did care about Lynn but never had he felt so stringently for her that mere thoughts of having to part by the end of the day made River feel like stabbing wounds were driven into his heart.

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