Chapter 6: When The Heart Burns

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A week later

The day of the football game was here and Serena was both excited and anxious at the same time. She gladly agreed to River's invitation as she wanted to watch River all geared up and in action. As excited as she was, Serena knew nothing about football.

Then when River's words came back to her regarding meeting his best friends, panic ripped through Serena's body. Would they accept me? What if they don't like me?

From what River told her about Mackenzie and Jacob, Serena knew that she shouldn't be so worried. Besides if she got along so well with River then it should be no different with his childhood besties as well. That's right. I shouldn't think so negatively.

Getting ready to leave for the game, Serena threw on her faded skinny jeans and a red hatchi zip front tank top matched with black ankle heel boots. Serena was French braiding her hair to the side when Justine entered the room in her floral v-neck top and skinny jean.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep," Serena replied as she tied the hair band at the end of the braid. Not wanting to leave Justine alone on a Friday evening, Serena had texted River if it was okay to extend the invite to her roommate as well. And River was more than happy to accept her request as long as Serena was attending his game.

On their way to Haldenbridge University, Serena had texted River that she was on her way just like he had requested her. There wasn't a day in the past week that he hasn't reminded her of letting him know when she was on her way. Originally, River was going to personally pick them up as he wanted to travel to the game together with her. But due to this game being such a significant one, the coach had decided to do a low-key practice before the game to warm up for the real deal and release some of the tension and nervousness as well.

Within 40 minutes they arrived and Justine parked the mini Pontiac car in the parking space. Stepping out, Serena and Justine were stunned by the large horde of people that crowded the parking lot.

Looking around the parking lot, Serena's eyes widened when a sign caught her attention. The girl was standing on a bench holding a large hot pink poster that read "Hey (SERENA :D) I just met you & this is crazy but my name's Mackenzie," a big square was cut off and Mackenzie, whom Serena assumed, propped her beautiful face through as though it was a picture frame, "& I'm your new bestie!" A radiant smile illuminated Serena's face, one that matched Mackenzie's excited smile. Serena was drawn to the blue-eyed beauty with her dirty-blonde hair.

Being confronted with such a sweet welcome, all worries dispersed from Serena's body and her shoulders sagged in relief.

"I like her already," Justine crackled when she saw the poster as well.

"Same here," Serena giggled happily. "Come on, let's go meet her." Pulling Justine by her hand, Serena squirmed her way through the crowd and came to a stop in front of bench.

The two girls looked at each other and simultaneously said their names. "Mackenzie." "Serena."

And then they burst into laughter. Mackenzie shriek from happiness as she jumped down, tossing the poster on the bench and engulfed Serena into a bear hug. Serena was surprised by such straightforward manner but nonetheless was relieved and happy from Mackenzie's bubbly personality. Hugging her back, Serena looked at Justine who seemed amused.

"You have no idea how ecstatic I am to finally meet you Serena," Mackenzie said, pulling away from Serena. "I'm thankful that River met someone like you."

"I'm the one who's thankful for meeting someone like River," Serena replied honestly.

A small laugh left Mackenzie's lips. She could see why River was unconsciously taken by her. Serena's honesty and innocence was captivating. While what she said was nothing new or special as they could have easily been a line that any girl would say about River. However, with Serena those very words left an impression because with the way she said them, there was no mistake that she genuinely meant them. And god knows finding people like that are rare. Especially for a guy like River who has everything going for him.

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