Chapter 13

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Ari's Pov

Today's the day Becca comes im so excited to see her, i mean I've missed her so much. She bringing that girl along with her like, Maddy, Mallory, Madeline, well something like that, i don't remember. Cam's twitter got hacked again, and the hacker posted his number on it so he has to go to Verizon and get a new number, so he couldn't come with me to pick Beck and Mallory up from the airport. But Cam being the protective boyfriend that he is, made Matt come with me, which is fine with me.

We finally get there and Matt parks the car, we get out and walk to the main entrance. "Hey we're are you?" i ask, "We're getting our luggage now kay" "K Beck, see you in a few" i hang up and Matt and I sit down on some chairs in front of some window's....."Heyy" i say hugging Becca, "missed you girly" "Missed you too beck" Matt comes over and hug Becca and i walk up to Molly or whatever. "Hi im Ariana" i say smiling and holding my hand out,

She nods and rolls her eyes, "Madison" she shakes my hand not even looking in my eyes. We all walk to the car when i whisper to Becca, "I hate her already!" "Just get to know her Ari, she can be pretty cool sometimes"

We walk through my front door as Madison complains about how heavy her suitcase is and was trying to get Matt to carry it for her, Of course Matt doesn't, I can tell he doesn't like her either. I walk to the living room and see Cam on his phone, "Hey baby" I land on his lap and he wraps his arms around my waist, "Hey princess, how was it?"

He rests his chin on my shoulder, "It went fine I guess, the girls are upstairs and Matt's emptying out my fridge" he laughs and says "I got a new phone number, the people a Verizon were nice about it" "That's good, you should meet Madison, she's a real angel" I say standing up and pulling his arm dragging him behind me. "I'm guessing you don't like her" I nod as we walk in the kitchen, "no on likes her Cam, she's so annoying"

Matt says eating some chips, we laugh and hear, "Hey Cam" Becca says walking up to us and hugs Cam, with Madison not far behind her, "How are you guys?" He asks wrapping an around around my shoulder. "I'm good, do you have any soda?" Beck asks and I nod "fridge" she nods and walks over to the refrigerator.

The Beyotch walks up to us and says all bubbly "Hi cutie, I'm Madison" she takes her hand out and I bet I have a disgusted look on my face. "I'm Cameron" cam says not shaking her hand, she walks over to Becca and I look at Cam we laugh a little. "Why didn't go with Ari and Matt?" Beck asks cracking a can of coke,

"My twitter got hacked again last night and the guy posted my number so I had to change it today" she nods and we hear. "Aw you poor thing" we look up and see Madison twirling her hair and smiling at my boyfriend, this is gonna be a long two weeks.

"What's wrong babe" cam asks as he sits on my bed and I lean my head in his chest, "Madison is really getting on my nerves" he smiles and I feel him playing with my hair. "It's okay, just ignore her" I smile and close my eyes. "Just promise she won't take you away from me" "I promise she won't".......... It's been a week since Beck and The Beyotch came and it's been horrible, I mean only the Madison part.

Every single second she gets she's flirting with Cam and he always promises me, he won't let her do anything to him, but I don know. He's been sleeping at his and Matt's apartment the past couple days and I haven't see him that much and I don't know why. I asked Matt and he said it was nothing and that I shouldn't worry about him.

But today Beck wants to take me away from all this drama and is bringing me to the beach alone, Which is awesome cause I haven't been to the beach in a while. So we get our things and leave Madison alone in my house, which kinda scares me but I'm not gonna worry about it today. We hop in my car and put our sunglasses on and put the windows down. We make it to the beach and find a nice spot to settle down on.

"Hello?" I say into my phone sitting up from my towel. "Hey babe, can I go to your house? I gotta get my laptop, I left it there a couple days ago" I smile "Yeah sure, I'm not there right now" "oh really, where are you then?" "I'm at the beach with Beck" "okay I'll just hang out at your place till you get back k" "Kay we'll leave in like an hour" "k princess, love you" "love you to Cam" I hang up and lay back down, tanning while Becca is looking through a magazine....

We pull into my drive way and see Cams black ranger rover parked in it. We get out of the car and start to walk up the front step, "forgot my phone, I'll be right back" I hear her say, "kay" I push open the door and take my sandals off and yell "Hey babe" I don't hear anything back, I furry my eyebrows and walk in to the kitchen and see he isn't there either.

I look around and walk into the living room and see on the couch that skany ass whore going all out on top of my boyfriend, I sigh and walk up to them and clear my throat. They pull away and look up at me, Cam throws her off and says "Hey it's not what it looks like" I frown and say "just shut up, i actually knew this was gonna happen" I walk up the Madison and raise my hand and slap her straight on the cheek.

She whimpers and i smile, "that's what you get" I turn back to Cam and he opens his mouth, before he can say anything I say "We'll talk later" he try's to grab my arm but I walk off and grab my purse. I pass Becca who looks extremely confused, I don't say anything and run out the door into my car. I start to drive somewhere I didn't really know where though, I see my vision start to get blurry and I sniffle.

I drive to the side of the road and just cry, I don't know why I'm pretty strong, I know Cam didn't do this on purpose and that it was all that Bitches fault. I wipe my eyes and start driving to the only place I could think of..... I get out of my car and walk up some steps, I knock on the door slightly and hear footsteps coming closer and closer. The door opens and I wipe chin, "Ari?" I sigh "Hey Nash"

Broken Promises~ A Cameron Dallas/Nash Grier Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now