Chapter 10

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Clover already had her Laser Lipstick out and cut the skylight lock. Aigis grabbed the heavy rectangular frame and lifted it. The others hovered under it and drifted into the building. Aigis then flew in and quietly lowered the frame down above her. Aigis then took point and spotted familiar oozing black shapes gathered in the darkness near the large metal doors of the front entryway.

Each distinct shape had a blue mask with hollow eye holes and a black open gaping mouth.  The fingertips of her hands retracted, and she aimed them to both sides of the doors, where the creatures waited to attack intruders. Light, metallic sounds rang out as she fired bullets into each of the creatures' masks. In moments, each of them oozed lower to the floor before vanishing. The spies looked on in amazement at her, then at one another, while Labrys gave them a smile.

"Clear," Aigis said into her internal comlink.

They all flew down to the doors, Labrys watching their backs. Clover unlocked the doors, and Mitsuru and Akihiko entered, followed by the others. The large group fanned out slightly and walked quickly through the expansive room. A light shone out from the relative darkness from what appeared to be the manager's office, and they slowed their pace.

"One Shadow reading in there," Aigis said quietly.

After passing a green industrial-sized canning machine, a black humanoid shape could be seen in the office, kneeling on the floor.

"What in the world-" Sam muttered, as everyone readied their weapons.

"Hello," echoed a distorted male voice from the form, its mouth devoid of teeth or tongue.  "You found me sooner than expected. Maybe those three helped you..." the creature uttered, inclining its head towards the spies. Sam, Clover, and Alex looked at the creature fearfully as it stood.

"No matter. I will see to my brother's work as the full moon rises," he said confidently.

Mitsuru clenched her teeth, thinking quickly. She needed more information.

"Your brother's- You're Kaito?!" Mitsuru shouted. "I assume the work is to use those artifacts to plunge the world into a permanent Dark Hour, allowing Shadows to overrun humanity," she said vehemently. "We won't allow that!" she finished, followed by words of agreement from her allies.

Kaito's simple, Shadow-like head tilted slightly. "You have no say in this. This is what Strega- what my brother wanted. You took him away from me. My life's worthless anyway. So is this world. Now my puppets will play with you. I'm busy," he uttered vengefully. Kaito raised his arms and extended tendrils in a wide arc before himself.

"Wha-?" Yukari asked in surprise as everyone readied themselves for combat.

The tendrils detached in a flash and changed into an assortment of Shadows that appeared all around them. Some were giant muscular humanoid brawlers. Others resembled square tables with a variety of sharp knives hovering above their surfaces menacingly. A squadron of crow-like Shadows carried small lanterns emitting a ghostly blue light. A platoon of multi-armed blobs, each holding a sword, undulated in place. Finally, there were a few huge creatures that resembled lions, each with a floating massive ball and chain clamped to a rear leg. The beasts growled ferociously, and paced impatiently.

Sam, Alex, and Clover looked at the army of creatures in surprise, alert to the slightest movement of any possible attacks. Sam hissed softly in unease, especially displeased with the number and variety of supernatural creatures. So many unknowns; I don't like this at all.

A/N: I've been second-guessing the story length and rethinking the details for a long time.
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