Chapter 5

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Apartment Building, Tatsumi Port Island

Kaito breathed out, clearing his mind a bit and glanced at the ring, dagger, and mirror on his desk, then looked back to his computer monitor. Progress had been made on deciphering how to use the relics. It was certainly easier than using his robot to break into the police station and recover the relics in the first place. He took a drink from a nearby glass and smiled.

Just a bit more and I'll have the answers I need.

Big changes are coming, and they're long overdue.

Kirijo Estate- Evening

Sam, Clover, and Alex exited the sedan before the large three-story mansion. Beautiful landscaping surrounded both the building and the driveway which ended in a circular roundabout in front of the stately residence. They gave their thanks to the chauffeur and climbed a few steps to the large oak double doors. A moment after Alex rang the doorbell, it was answered by a maid. She looked to be in her twenties, with shoulder-length hair of a surprisingly purple hue.

"Good evening. I'm Kikuno, Miss Kirijo's head maid. Please come in," she said warmly, and gave a short bow.

"Hello, I'm Clover. Thank you," she replied with a short bow, and entered.
Sam and Alex gave their own greetings and short bows before entering, followed by Kikuno closing the door behind them. She then took the lead to guide them from the foyer through the high-ceiling main hall. Paintings and framed photos lined the walls, and occasional end tables held what appeared to be valuable vases and other antiques. Large potted ferns were set in corners of the large room, and a grand staircase drew one's attention to its impressive construction.

"Wow, this place is amazing," Alex said, looking towards the chandelier, then back to where they were being led. Sam and Clover assented as Kikuno came to a stop near a large doorway on a side wall, gesturing for them to enter.

"Good meeting you," Kikuno said to the guests, as they walked through the doorway.

"Likewise. Take care!" Alex said with a smile. Sam and Clover nodded to her as they passed through.

The room was decorated similar to other rooms, and there was a door on the opposite side of the room, presumably to the kitchen. A dark mahogany table, long enough to seat 12 people, was occupied by Mitsuru and a number of strangers roughly their age. Mitsuru, who was wearing a tan turtleneck sweater, was seated at the head of the table. She'd been chatting with an athletic young man, surprisingly with white (presumably dyed) hair. He wore a long sleeved dark blue shirt, and had eyes an unusual shade of grey. They both nodded when the guests arrived, and gave polite smiles.

The other guests noticed this and finished their talks as well to focus on the foreign guests.

"Thank you for coming," Mitsuru greeted them, as they found vacant seats. The large chairs had high backrests, and they opted to simply slip into them, rather than try to move them.

"Thank you for having us," replied Sam. "And for the ride," she added happily.

"Of course," returned Mitsuru. "This is Akihiko Sanada," she announced, subtly gesturing to the man on her right she'd been talking with.

"Good to meet you," he said in a confident tone.

Alex and Sam blinked, then returned greetings. Then glanced at Clover.

"Yes. Very good to meet you,"Clover said, smiling broadly, struggling to keep composed.

Akihiko gave them winning smiles in return.

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