My love «SlyPKC»

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                                                                                                        “I love everything you hate about yourself”

                “Seamus, what’s wrong babe?” Sly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, who was sitting on the floor under the table in his office. Seamus had been acting funny all day and it was starting to worry Eddie. “Don’t.. worry about it, okay Eddie? Just..” Seamus sighed and ran a hand through his hair, reaching back to pull his hood over his head. “It’s nothing.” Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to get anything out of Seamus when he gets like this he stood up, careful not to bump his head on the table. Sly looked around the small office for any clues as to what made his lover so upset. He rummaged through some papers on his table and found nothing so he plopped himself in Seamus’ chair, turning on his computer monitor.

                                                                                                                                           That’s when he saw it.

                Seamus had a Creature hub short pulled up on and was scrolled down to the comment section, right to a particular comment that picked at Seamus about his weight. “Seamus, are you upset that this person was talking about your weight?” He heard shuffling and Seamus stood next to Sly, his arms wrapped around his body. “A little bit.” Sly stood immediately and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and kissed him on the forehead. He reached over and grabbed a notebook that Seamus had lying around on his desk and a pen, opening to a blank page and handing it to Seamus. “What’s this?”

                “I want you to write everything you dislike about yourself, please?” Seamus sat at his desk and clicked the pen and began writing immediately, “What I dislike or what I hate?” Sly stayed silent and leaned against the table as Seamus wrote. Every few minutes Seamus would stop and tap his pen against the paper and grumble quietly. Eddie sat patiently and a few scribbles later Seamus set his pen down and stood up, “There, can I go now? I’m gonna go home and take a nap.” Leaning in, Sly gave him a gentle kiss and let him go, “Drive safe, okay? Text me when you get home.” Seamus nodded and left to probably tell Jordan where he was leaving to and why. Sly grabbed the notebook and eyed the rather long list with a sigh. It was going to be a long night.

                                                                             ''Time Skip’’

                Eddie didn’t come home last night and Seamus immediately thought the worst. All he got was a simple ‘I love you, sleep well’ text at around 11 that night. He missed Eddie’s warmth and happy presence in bed but settled on letting Chef sleep in their bed. He eventually dragged himself out of bed the next morning, making himself coffee and checking his text messages for any from Eddie. There was one, a simple ‘Good Morning love, I hope you slept well x’ Seamus was still upset with him so he settled on replying with a ‘It was decent, Chef’s breath smells like ass’ Sending it, he stood up and put his mug in the sink, getting ready to go to work.

                                                                                                                                                             ''Time Skip’’

                He got to work with little traffic at around 8 am pushing in the code on the door and walked down the hall saying his hellos to his friends. He stepped into his office and almost shit himself when Sly popped out from behind the door with a loud “Surprise!!” Gripping the area where his heart is he groaned and hit Sly on the arm, “What the fuck, Eddie!” He responded with a giggle and brought him in for a kiss and when he went to pull back a moment later he grabbed the back of his head and pulled him back for a deeper kiss. Eddie pulled back a minute later, panting, “What was that for?” Seamus laughed, “You didn’t come home last night, what was up with that?” Eddie grinned mischievously and pushed Seamus into his chair.

            “Seamus, I read your list, and I want you to know that you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You mean the world to me and I want you to know that I will love you no matter if you gain or lose weight, whether you’re short or tall, or whether you grow you hair out or cut it short. I’d prefer if it was like it is now, after all there is more to grab onto” he said with a wink. “I love all these little things that bother you and I don’t plan on leaving you any time soon, babe. In fact..” Eddie paused to dig something out of his favorite pizza hoodie, dropping onto one knee.

             Seamus felt tears build up in his eyes as Eddie smiled at him, “In fact, I was wondering if you would want to spend the rest of the foreseeable future with me Seamus.” Seamus choked on his words and settled for nodding quickly as Eddie grabbed his hand to slip the ring on. “I love you so, so much Seamus.” There was suddenly loud cheering as the rest of The Creatures and a couple of girlfriends stood in the doorway to his office cheering for his engagement. “I love you too, Edwin.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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