Kiss cam! «KootraHD»

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A/N: God bless the imagine your otp tumblr. Enjoy this kootrahd snippet uwu Also I would like to mention that if I write two people who are in actual relationships with other people don't expect me to be a total asshole to the ladies cause Domi and Monica are absolutely amazing for them uwu I just won't mention them at all or just say that it was a soft and mutual break up, okay c:

       "Oh my- no, you didn't.." Jordan looked down at the envelope in his hands, shock obvious on his face. Aleks stared at Dan with a shit eating grin on his face, obviously pleased with his gift. It was Jordan's birthday and Aleks and Dan were competing to get the best gifts for him, or rather kissing boss' ass according to Sly. What does he know, right? It doesn't even matter what Dan got him, because no matter what it was it would never top Alek's gift. He didn't mind that he spent so much money, he would do anything to please Jordan, after all.  Back to now, Jordan pulled the thin pieces of paper out of the envelope, "Two, two way plane tickets to St. Louis, and two tickets to the St. Louis Cardinals gam-" Jordan couldn't finish his sentence as he wrapped Aleks up in a tight hug, kissing his head. "Thank you so much Aleks!"

      They flew to St. Louis two days later and stayed at a hotel near the stadium, where unfortunately they messed their rooms up (never book cheap hotel rooms online, boys and girls) and gave them a room with one bed. After talking to the man at the front desk and finding out that all the rooms with two beds were taken (the game was tomorrow after all) they just settled on sharing the bed. Thankfully it wasn't too small and they could both lay comfortably without touching. Not having much to do till the game tomorrow Aleks stole Jordan's phone while he showered and phoned up Jordan's brother, letting him know where they were. He said he would stop by soon, as the hotel was less than two hours away from where he was living now. Slipping his phone back on the table Aleks laid down and napped. Aleks was woken up about an hour later by Jordan shaking him excitedly, "Thank you, thank you, thank you Aleks!" He was just like a child when their parents said they were going to Disneyland. "Anything for you, boss."

       The next day came all to quickly and Aleks and Jordan were sitting in the stadium's stands with Jordan munching on a bag of peanuts. Aleks wasn't very interested in the game, more so Jordan and how sometimes he would throw his arms up in the air excitedly and his shirt would ride up and show some of his happy trail causing Aleks to blush. Aleks was texting Eddie about how the game was going when he heard some people gasping and someone tug on his shirt. Looking up at Jordan, he was grinning while pointing at something in the other side of the stands and went pale when he saw it. On the big screen was Aleks and Jordan's faces with hearts and the big words 'Kiss Cam!' on it. Aleks blushed and went to shake his head no when he felt hands grab his face and bring it close to him. "C'mon and give the crowd what they want, Aleks." Jordan pressed his lips to Aleks' and his vision went white as he brushed his hand through Jordan's hair. The crowd went wild and the camera went back to the players but they didn't end their kiss, instead going deeper as Aleks licked at Jordan's lips and begged for entry. Jordan let him in and their tongues moved together until Jordan pulled back, out of breath and mumbled, "Best birthday present ever."

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