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  • Dedicated to every Rin x Len fan!!!

   "Gran! But-"

  "No buts."

  "But..." I muttered under my breath.

  My grandma eyed me suspiciously and clenched her fist. I knew she heard me but I don't give a shit. This is my hometown! I was born, raised, and learned the ways of townsfolk; all here in this small, wonderful town. Why are we moving all of a sudden?

  "Moving to the country is good for you dear. You know fresh air is better for your health than all the gas fumes," My grandma said while folding her clothes placing each neatly down in her suitcase. "Live outside the box, Rin-chan. It'll be for the best."

  Well, there you have it. She thinks living in the country is better for me. But no way in the world is it better. If I had to answer, it would be the worst thing ever; on top of corsets and barbies.

  "How will it be better," I asked throwing my belongings sloppily down into my small suitcase. I fixed my bow from the crooked position it took while I was packing everything. "This town is my everything."

  My grandma didn't reply. Reason: the door just flew open. And the person standing there to stop this catastrophe to end my life,


  My childhood friend since literally birth. Though we aren't at all related, we both shared the splitting image of each other, same birthday, last name, everything. Of course, aside from gender. He's been there for me through everything. I always went to him first whenever I had a problem. Puberty, getting dumped, my first period (it was awkward but worth it), failing an exam, and the most important; moving to a new town out in the country.

  His expression was angry, relived, regretful, and in pain. I understood how much he felt about me moving away; I felt the same way. His left hand was clenched into a tight fist and his right was gripping onto the door surely leaving a small dent, both sets of knuckles white. His hair was tousled from running and his button up plaid shirt was undone sloppily. His jeans contained grass stains, possibly from tripping a few times. Compared to my oh so casual (and clean) graphic Tee and shorts with suspenders, he was a mess.

  "Rin-chan..." He panted. His chested heaved up and down as he fought to bring air into his lungs. His eyes were telling me that he wanted an explanation. I was about to step forward and give him a hug but my grandmother stepped up first.

  "Ah, Len-chan!" She chirped happily. Her arms were held out towards him but Len didn't even move a muscle. He glared at her intensively and after an awkward moment or two, my grandma sighed and dropped her arms. She instead patted his head, causing him to stiffen, with a smile oblivious to his scowling expression. Even I was terrified by his steel, cold gaze.

  "Well, I can tell you want a moment with Rinny here so why don't you two kids go out back while I pack the rest, ah?" She suggested. Len exhaled loudly trying to clam himself down and I can't help but notice how his muscles had relaxed a bit and how his chest had stopped moving from his heavy pants.

  Nobody said a word. It was dead silent aside from the enormously loud karaoke from our annoying next door neighbor. In a robotic movement, I shuffled to the back door hearing Len's footsteps as well. I opened the door and left it open for Len to come through. I jumped from the noise of the forceful slam.

  I turned around on the heels of my flip-flops to face Len. His expression had softened a bit but his temper was still there. He and I are close. Really, REALLY close. So if one of us is messed with, that jerk will be hell to pay. According to Len, his temper outburst is set on my grandma. And I can tell he doesn't want to go to juvy for nearly killing my poor ole grandmother.

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