Chapter 3

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"Stupid, overrated, retarded..." 

I kept mumbling about how stupid this project for school is while searching for my scissors. I kneeled down and lifted the covers to look under the bed. Nothing except dust bunnies and my stash of money and oranges. Don't judge. 

"... racist, idiotic, sadistic, ba-" I stopped abruptly in my search as well as my mumbling and stared at the blue carpeted ground. Where in the world did I get sadistic? Well, the project is for art and it is close to Halloween so... But another was racist... Am I going nuts or is my hearing starting to turn into grandma's? Shaking my head sighing, I stood up from my kneeling position. 

"Gran," I shouted as I opened my closet full of odds and ends. Why the hell are action figures of Star Wars in here? Fucking Nero... "Where are my scissors?!" 

"You left them down here, sweetheart!" She shouted back in reply. She may be like about fifty or sixty years old but she sure does keep a good voice. 

"Oh great," I groaned letting my arms hang limp at their sides and throwing my head back. "Spent like two hours looking in this damn room!" 

"Mind your language, Rin," My grandmother said walking through the door. She held my scissors in her hand. I hung my head in defeat. "Here, now don't go throwing that thing around the house. Remember last time?" 

I stared at the orange desk lamp as I recollected my memories together. I accidentally stabbed someone in the arm. Luckily they were safety scissors. I looked up at her and said innocently batting my eyes, "No, I don't believe so." 

She sighed and held my chin up to look into my eyes. "Don't think that'll fool me. It may fool your parents but you got that from your father, I know when he does it." 

I mentally slapped myself for forgetting that. No use in getting out of things easily anymore... 

My grandma left so I can have the room to myself to work on the project. Whatever, it's not due 'till next week. I'll just finish it up another day. 

I jumped onto bed as the door opened revealing the devil himself, Nero. I groaned and slapped a pillow over my face as Nero started poking my arm while whining about something only a baby would. 

"Rin-sama," Nero pouted when I turned to my side, my back facing him. "Where's Neru-ne?" 

"For the love of fudge," I muttered as I sat upright face-palming myself. "She's not coming until 5 o' clock." 

"But it's already 5:00!" 

"It's only 3:32..." 

"5:00!" Nero screamed then ran out of my room imitating an ape while pounding on his chest. 

This 10 year old too-immature-for-his-age-monster is Akita Nero, who I have to watch after everyday. He's practically my brother; stepbrother that is. His sister, Akita Neru of fifteen, has a job to care for both of them ever since their father walked out on them when Neru was only four - Nero was born later in the year of this event. Their mother has a hard time keeping her many jobs and debts are catching up to them. I would help so Nero could live a normal life like the rest of us, but what can I do? Working is not a strong point of mine and my middle name should be 'lazy'. You've met Neru before too. She could beat me in a mile race in a heartbeat with all that energy and strength. I might even die just by running a half of a mile. Hell, maybe even a quarter. 

"Apples!" The blonde screamed. I sighed and got up to tame him for awhile. I walked down the stairs then entered the living room and found an amusing scene. The explanation to my grandmother running around with a knife with a killer look is Nero picking up the family portrait of both my dead parents and running around with it. The show is fun to watch but if anything happened to that picture I would kill the little guy, no hesitation at all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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