Chapter 1

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  Yay, start of school. Summer break ended and now it's school time. I'm so excited. I got my books, ready to study for the exams to come. New people and no more old childhood friends. If you can tell I'm being sarcastic, I damn well am being sarcastic. Now here I am in the kitchen, packing my stupid lunch. 

  "You're really going to school?" 

  I turned to my side and saw a dark dressed guy with black hair, his hands in his pockets, leaning against the kitchen doorway. He had a dark green graphic-T of a metal band I've never heard of and a white long sleeve underneath. His gray jeans were ripped, exposing his slightly pale skin, and a chain suspender was dangling from his belt. Black converse sneakers were on his feet. His right ear was pierced with a purple stud and a part of his tattoo on his chest was peeking out of his shirt collar. Casual look you might say, but I say it's rare to see his dressed like this. Mostly he'll be in a hoodie with the hood over his head, hiding his face with an emo kind of atmosphere around him. Rei Kagene is his name and he's my first friend since the move. He's also the only reason I like it here. Other than my other friend Neru which I bet you'll meet later.

  "Why else am I packing my lunch?" I replied to him. 

  He pushed his shoulder off the doorway and came over to my side while I pack oranges in my orange polka dotted lunchbox. He gently pushed my luchbox out of my reach and slapped a piece of paper down on the counter. I stared at it for a second and my eyes lit up as a smile crept across my face. It all vanished as soon as it appeared. 

  "Kagene-kun, I can't go," I sighed sadly. "I'm not really a party person. Who wants to get wasted and have a chance at getting laid on?" 

  "Sluts, whores, se-" I slapped my hand over his mouth before he could continue. "I think I know, Kagene." 

  "Suit yourself," He said with a smirk. He walked towards the door then paused for a moment. "See you tomorrow, Rin-chan." 

  I waved him off, finishing packing my lunch. I found myself zoning out and staring at the white couch in the living room thinking about what to do next, since I woke up extra early for school thanks to my grandma. I could go online and play around, but I dont think I'm in the mood. Or I could pick on my stepbrother, but that's too risky. This is one of the reasons why I hate living here: I have no idea what to do after I finished everything I need to do. 

  "I guess being early to school for the first," - and last - "time isn't going to be so bad." I murmured to myself as I went up to my room. I quickly changed into my school uniform and stared at myself in the mirror. I'm not the prettiest girl, I'll tell you that. But I'm..... decent. 

  I fixed the white bow on my head and grabbed my book bag cramming all my notebooks, pencils and other shit into it. I stashed my iPod into it and some earbuds for free period.

  I'm ready to go. I hope....

  "I'm leaving for school gram!" I shouted into the house. I heard nothing after so I just walked out of the house and locked it. 

  It wasn't the nicest of days but it was fine. I stared up at the clouds and sighed. Damn, I'm turning into a boring person... What's next? Talking about how the weather is oh so wonderful or how (a + 57[ab x 42]) = 87 is the-


  I screamed causing crows to squawk and fly up in the air as I was tackled to the ground. I groaned from the impact of the concrete ground and then stood up as I stared at the girl sitting down with a wide smile. She didn't mind how her uniform got dirt all over it, or how her golden hair is tangled from hitting me. Typical Neru. 

  "You can hurt someone with all that energy one day," I said, laughing as I helped my best friend up. "I bet your brother got all that energy of his from you." 

  "Whaaaat? Pssh, no way," She dismissed as she brushed off her uniform of odds and ends. "I'm just so glad to see you! Why didn't you call or email - hell - text me even? My wittle Rinny is growing up without me!" 

  She wailed as she dramatically threw her arms around me. I groaned as I tried prying her iron grip off of me. "God, Neru-san, let go before I die of being choked to death!" I managed to wheeze out these words as she let go. We finally started walking again. We began doing casual small-talk and jumping from one topic to another. Childhood friends, summer flings, (mostly Neru's topic) vacation, and other crap topics were used to fill in the space on our way to school. It got real awkward when up popped this question. 

  "Did you lose your V-card?" 

  I choked on air and pounded on my chest as I bent forward and held a hand out in front of me. Dear lord, save me from humiliation... 

  Neru didn't get the big idea and asked again. "Did you?" 

  "Did you?!" I wheezed as I stood straight again. "Who asks that kind of question?" 

  "Me. And no I didn't, I was just wondering about you." 

  "I don't even have the boobs to lose it." 


  ... Awkward. Like things weren't awkward when this topic was brought up by the one and only........ Neru isn't really this random, though that isn't saying much. Although-

  "Rin? Rin!"

  I shook my head ending my train of thought to have the fact we reached the school can dawn upon me. The frown on my face grew as I watched a few enemies of Neru and I pass by us. I saw Miku of all people. She leered at us with a smirk and then continued to flirt with the guy she has her arms wrapped around. She pursed her lips then trailed a finger down his chest bringing red to his face. I snarled at her. Whore. 

  Neru pointed at someone and tapped my shoulder. "Look! It's Kagamine-kun!" 

  I followed her finger and saw a blondie with girls practically crawling at his feet. I scrunched up my nose at how he's exposing himself like that. He does seem familiar but I don't know him. I think... 

  "Doesn't ring a bell." I muttered to myself not loud enough for Neru to hear. 

  She whistled and drew back her arm. "Damn, he's looking fine last time I saw him." 

  "Last time she saw him," I thought as she ogled over the guy. She sighed dreamily and leaned her head on me as she stared at the guy. "She met this player? Doubt it..." 

  His uniform was unbuttoned, showing off his chest which I momentarily stared at. Our eyes connected briefly and he shit me a wink with a seductive smirk which I almost gave into. I scoffed and walked ahead of Neru with her standing behind me and gaping at... Hottie-What's-His-Name. I don't know... Nor do I care.

  I turned back and snapped to get her attention and said, "I don't know any Kagamine's besides myself."

A/N: And that is chapter 1 folks! I'm so sorry for it being so short.... And for the wait...... I rushed myself but hey, at least I updated. Whoop! Vote for a faster update and comment to motivate me!


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