Kura Kurosaki's Secret

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Ichigo turned away and slowly walked away assuming the fight was over and he was not impressed at all.

A large spiritual pressure appeared directly behide Ichigo causing him to stop his pace and glance over his shoulder to "Yorichi Shihoin. What are you doing here?"

Yorichi kicked Kura's chest "Stop faking it Kura. Why do you hold back like that!" 

Kura disappeared as another kick came at him and he reappeared on a boulder behide Yorichi." Now lady Yorichi calm down"

Ichigo disappeared from view and appeared behide Kura lunging at his lower back. Kura blocked his lung for his lower back and blue-red  energy flashed on Kura's side allowing him to hold his ground against Ichigo. 

Ichigo looked Kura down quickly and noticed that he had an eyepatch on his right eye. He frowned "what's up with the eyepatch?"

Kura tensed "Why should I tell you?" 

Ichigo smiled "You do not have to but it would be better if you did."

Kura gripped his sword tighter and blue-red energy gathered along his blade. Kura disapeared and reappeared behide Ichigo "Getsuga Tenshou."Kura slashed his blade releasing a blue-red moonfang shaped slash going straight at Ichigo. He getsuga barreled through the ground and a boulder. 

Ichigo raised one hand with the back exposed and when the getsuga hit it blue light flashed and the getsuga was deflected away back at Kurq. Kura disappeared again and reappeared out of the path of the getsuga.

"He used Bakudō 8: Seki with out an incantion or even saying the name..."Kura thought.

Ichigo appeared behide Kura slashing his sword and his head. Kura disappeared and reappeared right behide Ichigo

Kura raised raised one of his hands  "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!" He paused dramatically and snarled out " Hadō 31: Shakkahō" an small orb of crimson red energy appeared in his palm and fired as a large  column of energy.

Ichigo eyes widened as the giant column blast hit him point blank in the back. He groaned and stumbled forward. His shihakushō smoked and he had burns on his skin but he was otherwise undamaged.  

" Last  I checked you had low skill in kido..."Ichigo said "So why are you so good at it." 

"Hehe." Kura chuckled softly. 

Ichigo pointed his knife at Kura "Getsuga Tenshou"he made a small slash with it and a blue white getsuga formed and blasted towards Kura.

Kura raised his sword and twirled it around in front of him. When the getsuga made contact with Kura's spinning Zanpakuto, the sword absorbed the getsuga. Kura tossed the Zanpakuto to his other hand and putting both hands on  the hilt raised it above his shoulder.

Ichigo blinked "he absorbed it! How?" 

Kura slashed his sword and Ichigo's getsuga came firing out of the blade tinged  red and sliver. Ichigo canceled it with a getsuga from his sword. 

" Bankai: Scatter Senbonzakura Kageyoshi" a regal,cold, emotionless voice said 

A thousand pink leaf shaped blade fragments surrounded Kura and suddenly and quickly. Kura moved using the flash step to avoid most of the blades but twenty of them hit him around his eyepatch's strap, shredding the strap free. 

Kura's spiritual energy billowed around him causing a thick aura to find for momentarily. When it disappeared he slashed at the source of voice, who he knew was Byakuya Kuchiki. Byakuya flash stepped to avoid the slash ad the wake of the slash cut a building in half from corner to corner.  

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