Part 3

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Soul Society Kura POV 

Several months later

Ichigo has been trained me for several months. He is focused on My Zanpakuto skills but he is intrigued to why it's so powerful when I still have power being kept from me. 

" Kura. It's time to draw your inner hollow out and submit  to your will. " Ichigo  told me

" But he's too strong" I complain 

" My inner hollow  was stronger than me when I kicked his ass he nearly beat  me." Ichigo explained 

" To beat him is a challenge but he is a part of you and that world is yours not his force him to obey your will and if he doesn't beat the fuck out of him" he continued as I close my eyes. 

Inner World 

Instead of Kuro there was a boy with white hair, black sclera with  yellow pupils, a white kimono with black edges and black belt. His sword was different than mine. It had it had a pure black blade, it's hilt and guard we're white. It had three black  links of chain interwoven at the end of the hilt.

The surroundings had changed to be more like a temple and a capital city. He was leaning on a pillar of the temple.

" Yo. What's up king? What do you want?" He said. 

" Nothing. Well it's time for you to submit to me or else." I replied 

" Are you sure about this?" He inquired 

" Yes. It's time for the king to take the throne." I said in reply. 

 " If you win. I will tell you how to master my power and how to obtain your true blades. If you lose. Don't try for a while. I don't want you to die. DO YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS KING" He said.

" Yes I agree" I said matter of factly

" Let's get started then. This will be a hard fight for you"  he replied as he got into a fighting stance.

" Don't get cocky Kurasama"  I heard Kuro say but it was very muffled.

 " Damn you Kuro. I thought I told you to stay out of this before I suppressed you" he said

 " Fine. I leave but I will watch" Kuro's muffled voice replied 

" What did you do you do to him, fucker!" I asked him.

" Nothing. My name is Rairo no Ago not fucker" he replies 

" your this blade." I ask 

He nods back with a grin on his face, he raised his blade as i unsheathed my blade.

I came at him with a massive assault of slashes and stabs from my sword, he blocked and dodged all of them. 

" Strike in Wrath....Rairo no Ago!" I chanted

 " Strike in Wrath....Rairo no Ago! It's my Zanpakuto I can do it to!"  Rairo no Ago replied 

" Getsuga Tenshou!" I scream

" Getsuga Tenshou" Rairo no Ago said at the exact same moment 

" Is this all you have, boy!" Rairo no Ago asked.

He threw me into a wall, 

" If this is all the power you possess then give up. I so much stronger than this" Rairo no Ago says 

" Well. Well it looks like puppy who needs assistance. Correct?" A voice said,

" Who are you. I do need help" I told the voice 

"  My name would attract to much attention for you, so  call me Drago for now"  He said as his power flowed through me. It surrounded me in a golden glow. 

" What's this?" Rairo no Ago asked.

" I have no clue but it's a power that feels like fire" I replied 

" Let's test this power out. I wonder what it can do"  Rairo no Ago said

He charged at me but I disappeared in a golden flash of fire. 

'Such speed, it's a magic ability to use fire as a weapon and a tool"  Rairo no Ago thought.

" Well......that's interesting"  Rairo no Ago said

I charged at him and punched him and the flames exploded scorching him and  the ground 

 "Damn if I got reckless!"  Rairo no Ago exclaimed 

"Well done. It's time I teach you how to use by taking over your body. Okay?"Drago said

"FINE! Just kick his ass!" I reply as I surrender my body to his power.

" I plan on it" Drago replied.

The flames blazed into inferno that surrounded me as Drago took over

" Who the hell are you!" Rairo no Ago said

" I'm Drago....A warrior who lives no exists for Kurasama" I replied in Drago's voice

" That's not your actual name. Am I right?" Rairo no Ago asked

For his response Drago made the flames go after him and he runs off and the flames chase after him. 

" Well. This just got hard." Rairo no Ago said

" I'm ending this now" Drago stated

He snapped his fingers and a golden mark appeared: a giant circle with tripled pronged scythe with a dot in between each on inside of the circle.

The flames surged into a whirlwind and...

" Dragon Art: Heavenly Fire Storm Cage " Drago Said 

With those word the flames turned into a actual storm trapping Rairo no Ago. 

" Do you wield to us?" Drago asked

" Yes. Can I have Kura back?" Rairo no Ago 

" I'm relinquishing control as me speak." He replied. As he relinquished his control the flames lost some of their heat.

" Well Well Well. It looks like I won." I said

" Yes you did. I will honor the agreement after you recover from our battle......King....I will always be here to help you discover more strength and control your power." Rairo no Ago replied 

" Ok. I will come here when I am ready" I said as I headed back to the real world

" See you around king. It might be a while till you wake up, I pushed very you very hard here." he replied with a bow.

Soul Society, Squad Zero barracks 

A month later.

I woke up on a bed in a office and Ichigo was doing paperwork and talking to random shinigami. I tried to rise

"Stop don't move." He said rushing over and laying me back down.

" Why?" I asked

" You did well  beating him but your body took a fucking beating in the process. So stay laying down for a few days at least. Okay?" He explained  

" Fine!" I say in reply and close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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