LiLA: This Ship Is Ready To Sail

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Lila's P.O.V

The delightful sounds of Slausen’s after a football game surrounded me, the pinball machines and air hockey tables, the sounds of friends and family alike. I giggled in excitement and skipped ahead of the gang to an empty booth near the back. “Arnold! Over here!” I called.

He strode ahead of the group in my direction and gave me a lazy grin. I winked at him cheekily. We slid near the center of the large U-shaped booth, by the window then the others joined us. To my right sat Harold, Phoebe, Gerald, and Sheena and to my left, there was Arnold, Rhonda, Nadine, and Eugene. Our group of friends was definitely a large bunch but nobody can say we didn’t bring business to the place. We all ordered our food and then broke off into group and had multiple conversations at once. I adjusted myself so that I was facing Arnold.

“So Arnold, I haven’t gotten the chance to ask you. How was Maryland?” I leaned my elbow on top of the booth cushion and let my head rest on my hand.

Arnold glanced down and fiddled with his drink. “Oh- ah, well there really isn’t much to tell. Honestly, I would have rather been here instead.”

I nodded my head distractedly. Arnold’s answer was boring me so I looked around the table for something more stimulating. Nadine, Eugene, and Sheena were all engaged in conversation, Rhonda was looking at herself in a compact mirror and Harold was involved in a very loud phone call with Sid, I think. Phoebe and Gerald were talking to each other but something about their arms caught my interest. I pretended to drop a fork then looked under the table. Yep, I knew it! They were totally holding hands under the table.

“So, you and Helga,” Arnold began, “Never what have thought you two would become friends.” He chuckled half-heartedly.

“She is such a sweetheart and I care about her very much. She’s always there for me you know.” Helga is honestly the best person and I don’t know where I would be today if she weren’t such a huge part of my life.

“How exactly did that come about now?” he asked me. So I told him about the time in eighth grade when Helga saved me from a boy in our science group who almost got me to lick that formaldehyde smelling frog we were to dissect by stuffing the aforementioned frog down his pants. We laughed and Arnold accidentally snorted up some water and that made us laugh even harder. That’s how the rest of the night went, me telling Arnold about Helga’s and my greatest hit. Arnold listened with intense eyes, soaking in every word I said no matter what we were doing. Arnold laughed at my latest recount of the story that is Helga and my friendship and sighed. “Wow she really is something.”

I looked up at him and he had this adorable glazy look in his eyes and his face was sort of pink but not from laughter. At first I didn’t know what to make of it but then realization hit me hard. I think he might like Helga. As I recalled all of their recent encounters I was stunned by how I had not noticed it before. This was all a bit shocking I mean if you had asked me who I thought Arnold was interested in two minuets ago I would have answered, me, but now…

“Hey, uh could I ask you something?” I questioned cautiously.

“Yeah, sure.” He gulped his last sip of water and waited for my question.

It took me a bit to figure out the best wording but finally, I asked, “How long have you liked Helga?”

He tensed up and seemed stunned into silence. Eventually he responded with, “I don’t know what you are talking about?” Silence ensued.

I raised an eyebrow, “No?”

“No!” he lightly scoffed while his eyes flickered to the left, “I don’t like Helga I mean that’s ridiculous, I mean not ridiculous, but I would never-“

“Why not?” I asked.

“W-w-well,” he stuttered, “I mean s-s-sure Helga’s a-a great girl I mean, she’s funny and she- she’s, you know, smart and cool and pretty,” By now he had a small absent-minded grin on his face and was staring off into nothing, “and amazing, and her blushes are just so darn cute and,” he gives me a side glance, his eyes widening, “A friend. She’s a really good friend and there is nothing more to that.” He bit his lip self consciously.

I kept my gaze level with him before murmuring a prolonged, “Sure.”

Arnold gulped and looked down, “I’m going to go… over there.” He rushed past me so fast my hair flew back a bit. I felt a smile stretch upon my face just as I had the most brilliant idea ever. I was totally going to ship Arnold and Helga together.

So sorry this isn't longer, this was suppose to be done last week. who knew Lila's point of view would be so hardto write. Not to mention I kept making small changes in the direction this story was going. Anyways hope you enjoy!

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