voice training for transgender pre-t (ftm)

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your voice seems to affect your "passing skills" and a lot of female to male people get insecure because of this, so here are tips !

1. slow down while you talk, it has been shown that then you talk slower than normal your voice drops and with a slower speaking voice you seem more confident than others. whenever you talk fast it shows you're confident level isn't very high causing your voice to be higher.

2. record your voice. when you hear what your voice sounds like through your phone it simulates what other people hear. so with that you should record your voice to better understand how to deepen it a little.

3. play with your voice. try getting high and low all together to better understand your voice, with that information you can learn if your voice is naturally high or low and work from there.

4. experiment with your deepened voice. with voices you need to practice with in order to make it more natural. and with practicing, you must practice slowly with your new voice. you don't want your voice to strain your throats and the way you can figure that out is by projecting your voice a little bit and see if it's comfortable or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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