being trans in school

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being a teen you have to go to school, i understand you face a lot of people who may not accept you. so we need some tips for the trans teens on how to survive in school. so here's some tips for my trans frens

•ignore people if they are gonna be rude, if someone shouts derogatory terms ignore them as best as you can . I'm sorry you may have to go through this

•stay with a friend. don't wander the halls alone , get a close friend to go with you so you won't get ambushed

•be confident, people will question less if you're sure about yourself.

•make it official. take it up to the school that you're this gender , and your name is that name and you want to be referred as these pronouns.
(send your teachers e-mails rather than saying it face-to-face. if your teachers call you a name most likely everyone else will too which will make things a lot easier)

example :
*dear {teacher}
i am going to be in your class [hour/period/module/etc.] come this [semester/etc.] and would like to inform you in advance that my name on your roster will appear as [birth name] however i am transgender/non binary/etc and my preferred name / actual name is [preferred name]. it would be indubitably beneficial to my comfort and safety in your class to be addressed this way.

my gender pronouns are [gender pronouns]. when referring to me you would say [preferred name] went to the store [he/she/they/etc.] bought bread, which is [his/her/their/etc.] favorite food. it now belongs to [him/her/them/etc.] if you feel like you'll have a difficult time remembering my gender pronouns you may refer to me by [alternate set of pronouns/ avoiding using pronouns altogether]))

•talk to a counselor or teacher . if someone is giving you grief you can tell them and they will be dealt with

•join an LGBT+ club if your school has one. there might not be other trans people there but at least you know the group will be accepting.

•get your parents support, as well as other family members and siblings that may attend that school. if you have someone close to you that will stand up for you it makes things easier

•have friends who aren't scared to stand up for you. i have a few friends that will throw a punch for me if someone starts at me, so having intimidating friends can help if worst comes to worst

•just be yourself. don't act hypermasculine or hyperfeminine just because everyone thinks you're he/she/they/etc now. act how you're comfortable acting.

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